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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. thats cos it took 10 years to get the blubber off her. fat pig. He's right though, chubbyness keeps you looking young. All vitamins are stored in body fat. Fatty tissue also is a good barrier to the harmful rays of the sun. A bit of fat is good, but not too much. But fatty tissue is beneath your skin, so how does that work? I'm not a scientist but it's to do with the water content.
  2. thats cos it took 10 years to get the blubber off her. fat pig. He's right though, chubbyness keeps you looking young. All vitamins are stored in body fat. Fatty tissue also is a good barrier to the harmful rays of the sun. A bit of fat is good, but not too much.
  3. A lot of Japanese scientists believed they evolved from the Neanerthal and were pretty disappointed whenit was proved they weren't. I saw an evolution programme once and that was the crack.
  4. Aye but how does that explain Oriental eyes. Inbreeding basically. This group spread out and gradually settled as independent groups. These independent groups had little or no contact with other races for 1000s of years. That's how the individual characteristics of the races came about. I think. A bit like a pit village. If their eyes are a result of inbreeding surely they're a genetic malfunction then. I was speaking generally. I.e. we look different because of these small genetic pools that were isolated and breeding with each other for so long. It's called 'bottlenecking' I think. Basically all genetic changes are brought about by mutations though. These mutations happen more quickly in a small gene pool. I don't know why their eyes are like that, specifically, but no doubt there'll be a theory about it. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, just an interested layman who has seen a few programmes on the subject and read stuff about it at a pretty superficial level. Parky's theory will involve aliens and UFO's no doubt. White people are a result of genetic tinkering by aliens/the 33 ascended masters. Caucasian genes are alien to this planet. This is basically a black planet. Sun too close. The Chinese is what alex said. The next phase of forced evolution is close, hence the fake problems on the planet ie water, food, global warming. It is to coerse acceptance for the next jump. Probs inc a culling of some kind.
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/aud...ast-paul-davies Astrophysicist Paul Davies discusses new approaches to finding intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The Seti scientist's new book is called The Eerie Silence and is on a lecture tour of the UK. Good crack. Worth a listen.
  6. Seen enough in the Wham and Liv games to give Pards a chance. Won't really see his imprint on the side for a few months yet.
  7. Think Pards is too soft and Hughton was about as tough as goldilocks.
  8. Quite like him. Seems to have a bit of gusto about him.
  9. Biggest loser? Would be better if they did it the other way round. With the fit office sparrow turned into a dollop.
  10. Faaaahhahhhttahhh. It's CT's clarion call on a Fri night as he hits the boozer.
  11. Now Britain is the fattest country in Europe (and the fifth most overweight in the world) By Jenny Hope and David Gardner Last updated at 12:31 AM on 25th September 2010 * Americans are still top of global obesity table Britons are the fattest people in Europe, with one of the world’s fastest obesity growth rates, according to a leading international think-tank. The UK comes top out of 20 European Union nations, with almost one in four people so fat they could face an early grave. Levels of fatness in Scottish children are second worst in the world, behind the U.S., while children in England are eighth worst. Overall, in a study of citizens of the 33 richest countries, the UK is fifth behind the U.S., Mexico, Chile and New Zealand.
  12. Very much doubt that like. Especially down south. Britain is the fatest most unhealthy country in the EU. Can't be arses with googling it.
  13. I hope you're busying yerself stealing secrets and shit for naked fianancial gain. Of course, I've had to stay clear of the UFO thread in fear of temptation of blurting it out lol Slip me a pm if you hear anything from there that might be of interest. Some ot the other sites I peruse would love a bit of space gossip. *Jimbo waits behind door with sodium pentathol as girlfriend returns home. "Nice day at work love?" Glad you're doing alright anyway mate. Nasa's just a front for the sevret black budget space program Parky They still get upto hijinx of their own, but yes essentially the military space wing (black) does the real juicy stuff.
  14. Read somewhere obese people outnumber normal people in the UK.
  15. I hope you're busying yerself stealing secrets and shit for naked fianancial gain. Of course, I've had to stay clear of the UFO thread in fear of temptation of blurting it out lol Slip me a pm if you hear anything from there that might be of interest. Some ot the other sites I peruse would love a bit of space gossip. *Jimbo waits behind door with sodium pentathol as girlfriend returns home. "Nice day at work love?" Glad you're doing alright anyway mate.
  16. I hope you're busying yerself stealing secrets and shit for naked fianancial gain.
  17. What's it about, people trying to break out of prison? Strangely enough, yes. Well worth a look though, it's a real gem. OK bro.
  18. Been working on one for a couple of years. Do a fair bit of writing for a living (pr sruff, corporate books etc).
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