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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Doesn't address my point. As usual, you're dressing up opinion and supposition up as science, or should I say pseudoscience. Do you know how life started and how likely that is to happen again elsewhere? I've read about this quite a lot and I'd answer no on both accounts, so would every honest scientist. I wasn't addressing your point otherwise I would have quoted you. Chill Winston. Would you care to then? I'm genuinely curious why people hold the Drake equation in any regard. Yeah later.
  2. In my early twenties me and my mate broke into an empty apartment while on holiday in the Canary Islands cause we didn't want to come home when the package deal ran out.
  3. Doesn't address my point. As usual, you're dressing up opinion and supposition up as science, or should I say pseudoscience. Do you know how life started and how likely that is to happen again elsewhere? I've read about this quite a lot and I'd answer no on both accounts, so would every honest scientist. I wasn't addressing your point otherwise I would have quoted you. Chill Winston.
  4. In my teens I got involved in the high street when I came across four lads beating on one lad who was putting up decent resistance. Got well and truly cuffed about by the others for a bit. Wouldn't ever dream of doing that as I got older. Anyway me and the lad became friends and many years later at a party when I found myself in an awkward situation and cornered by some real meatheads, who should come out of the crowd to stand beside me.....Yes. Life is strange.
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science...ve-like-us.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...alien-life.html
  6. If you bothered reading my post I said encrypted stuff/servers are another matter and better to ask ant. Regarding intelligence you're not in my league mate.
  7. your body needs and craves fat and will so its hardest to cling on to it. the kind of fad diets and weight watching plans that christmas tree and others have talked about in this thread can actually lead to fat retention. starving your body of essential fats - and calories - will put your body into starvation mode - as it is genetically designed to cling on to all the fat reserves it can. those diets will generally lead to a loss of muscle mass instead. as bizarre as it sounds a far more effective way to burn fat is to incorporate plenty of good fats in your diet like olive oil, nuts and seeds and a little dairy - while cutting transfats, products with added sugar and man made starchy carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta - eating the right number of calories that your body needs at regular intervals and exercising is a far more effective way to burn fat. again, it's all about burning fat and not losing weight. did i just steer the thread inadvertently back on topic? That bit is key and I totally agree.
  8. Gemma: Corriander. I can't recommend it highy enough. http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefit...-coriander.html Properties and benefits of Coriander Coriander fruits contain volatile oil, lipids, starch, pectins and mineral substances. In fact, coriander's flavor comes from the etheric oil contained in proportion of 1,5% - 2,0% . This oil contains linalool (60% - 80%), pinene, dipentene, etc. The fruits contain fatty acids like petroselinic acid, proteic substances, amino-acids, sitosterols, tocopherols, cumarins, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The aromatic contained substance - coriandrol - is a very good adjuvant in the treatment of liver cancer. At the same time, coriander leaves represent a powerful source of vitamin A, C, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. In small quantities it contains also niacin, vitamin B6, phosphor and zinc. coriander Furctus Coriandri, in other words coriander fruits are used as a stimulant for the gastrointestinal secretion, sedative and carminative. They ameliorate the abdominal pains, reduce digestive spasms and distend. Coriander is also known as a bactericide, fungicide and anthelmintic. It has also a good influence over the neural system and stimulates memory. I tend to chuck large amounts of it in all soups, curries and spag bog etc...
  9. Sunlight is also good for you in moderate doses. When I was a bit depressed last year, part of my regime was to get more sunlight (full body exposure). More Positive Effects Of The Sun And Ultraviolet Light • Increases resistance to infections. • Helps to regulate sleep disorders • Only known cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder. • Ultraviolet rays enhance calcium absorption in the elderly. • Enhances the capacity of red blood cells in carrying oxygen. • Boosts the immune system by increasing the count of white blood cells as well as gamma globulin. • Aids in the prevention of infections resulting from bacteria, molds, and viruses. • Used in treatment of newborns suffering from hyperbilrubinemia (neonatal jaundice). • Stimulation of the pineal gland, which produces vital chemicals such as tryptamines. • Contributes to a healthy nervous system by increasing the production of endorphins in the brain. • Provides resistance power to the skin, used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and acne problems, . • Sunshine is able to alter your moods and cheer you up, which helps in decreasing anxiety and depression. • The UV rays of the sun can sterilize any surface by killing bacteria, virus, fungi or mold. • Sunlight helps in disinfection of many surfaces including drinking water. • Germicidal wavelength of ultraviolet sucessfuly controls mites, mold, bacteria & viruses
  10. Over the last few years they have started to broaden what a life bearing planet means and also the discorvery of water being more widely found. Current estimates are of at least a hundred thousand or so life bearing planets. That number keeps increasing. drake equation http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~jh8h/Foundations/drake.html
  11. That's because he's talking out his arse, strangely enough. Gemma couldn't argue the vit stuff (which he probs didn;t know) so being pedantic about forms of radiation now. Fat cells are part of the pic of protecting the skin against all kinds of radiation. Love to see you prove otherwise. You clearly missed Gemmills (valid) point. Fat is on the inside of the skin. If anything the skin protects the underlying fat. Aye I never picked you up on the vitamin stuff Parky. You couldn't argue with what I did pick you up on cos you made it up. Just trying to help. Anyway a guy of your size is prone to heart attacks rather than sun worry. Have you posted your height and weight or is it a matter of national security? Don't worry about my heart, my resting heart rate is ridiculously low. I'm practically reptilian. Not really that intersted in the corporate take over of the self/body-image mate.
  12. Vitamin D is Fat soluble, yes? In fat people it gets stored in the fat instead of circulating through the blood where it's actually needed. Deficiency in Vitamin D is very high in skin cancer patients. The skin is an organ basically, all layers and functions of it act as one.
  13. That's because he's talking out his arse, strangely enough. Gemma couldn't argue the vit stuff (which he probs didn;t know) so being pedantic about forms of radiation now. Fat cells are part of the pic of protecting the skin against all kinds of radiation. Love to see you prove otherwise. You clearly missed Gemmills (valid) point. Fat is on the inside of the skin. If anything the skin protects the underlying fat. Aye I never picked you up on the vitamin stuff Parky. You couldn't argue with what I did pick you up on cos you made it up. Just trying to help. Anyway a guy of your size is prone to heart attacks rather than sun worry. Have you posted your height and weight or is it a matter of national security? Don't worry about my heart, my resting heart rate is ridiculously low. I'm practically reptilian. Good for you. Keep your ginger, garlic and certain fish oils intake high bro.
  14. Humans living closer to the poles receive much less UV light exposure, so less pigmentation makes the skin more susceptible to UV light absorption that is necessary for adequate vitamin D3 production. Vitamin D3 can be stored in body fat to accommodate for low UV light exposure during the winter. Read more at Suite101: Skin Pigmentation Is an Adaptation to UV Light http://www.suite101.com/content/skin-pigme...1#ixzz1AjsKk3Hp
  15. That's because he's talking out his arse, strangely enough. Gemma couldn't argue the vit stuff (which he probs didn;t know) so being pedantic about forms of radiation now. Fat cells are part of the pic of protecting the skin against all kinds of radiation. Love to see you prove otherwise. You clearly missed Gemmills (valid) point. Fat is on the inside of the skin. If anything the skin protects the underlying fat. Aye I never picked you up on the vitamin stuff Parky. You couldn't argue with what I did pick you up on cos you made it up. Just trying to help. Anyway a guy of your size is prone to heart attacks rather than sun worry.
  16. That's because he's talking out his arse, strangely enough. Gemma couldn't argue the vit stuff (which he probs didn;t know) so being pedantic about forms of radiation now. Fat cells are part of the pic of protecting the skin against all kinds of radiation. Love to see you prove otherwise. You clearly missed Gemmills (valid) point. Fat is on the inside of the skin. If anything the skin protects the underlying fat. There is no INSIDE of the skin, the skin is built up of layers which act as one and are interconnected. Google it Einstien.
  17. Fat cells are part of the pic in protection of your skin against the whole spectrum of radiation which inc keeping the skin hydrated, storing vitamins and water and dissapating incoming heat/radiation. Thin people always have cold innit. Fat doesn't store water and will not dissipate heat, because it is an insulator. So being fat won't be much use in the sun. Some vitamins are fat soluble, and some are water soluble, so what? Your liver is the most important store of fat soluble vitamins in any case. True about he liver. But we weren't talking about he liver were we. Body has probs storing water soluble vitamins like c. As I said earlier. Dissapates a form of heat - radiation ie x rays. The suns rays are just part of the spectrum of harmful rays. Prons a quantum leap for your mind I understand.
  18. That's because he's talking out his arse, strangely enough. Gemma couldn't argue the vit stuff (which he probs didn;t know) so being pedantic about forms of radiation now. Fat cells are part of the pic of protecting the skin against all kinds of radiation. Love to see you prove otherwise.
  19. Fat cells are part of the pic in protection of your skin against the whole spectrum of radiation which inc keeping the skin hydrated, storing vitamins and water and dissapating incoming heat/radiation. Thin people always have cold innit.
  20. thats cos it took 10 years to get the blubber off her. fat pig. He's right though, chubbyness keeps you looking young. All vitamins are stored in body fat. Fatty tissue also is a good barrier to the harmful rays of the sun. A bit of fat is good, but not too much. But fatty tissue is beneath your skin, so how does that work? I'm not a scientist but it's to do with the water content. No shit? Here big boy. The fat-soluble vitamins stored in fat include vitamin A, D, E and K. These vitamins require fat in food to be absorbed and they are stored in the fat cells of your body, as well as in the liver, according to Northwestern Health Sciences University. People who follow a balanced healthy diet will adequately meet their fat-soluble vitamin needs, but because these vitamins are stored in fat cells there is a risk of toxicity if you consume high doses. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/218453-w.../#ixzz1Ajk8toNf Body can't store vit c Fats and X-Rays Fats help protect the body against the harmful effects of x-rays. There may be two reasons for this: 1) through physical protection of the cells - fats are a vital part of the cell's outer wall, and 2) by controlling the excess free radicals which may be generated when x-rays are taken.
  21. thats cos it took 10 years to get the blubber off her. fat pig. He's right though, chubbyness keeps you looking young. All vitamins are stored in body fat. Fatty tissue also is a good barrier to the harmful rays of the sun. A bit of fat is good, but not too much. But fatty tissue is beneath your skin, so how does that work? I'm not a scientist but it's to do with the water content. No shit? Here big boy. The fat-soluble vitamins stored in fat include vitamin A, D, E and K. These vitamins require fat in food to be absorbed and they are stored in the fat cells of your body, as well as in the liver, according to Northwestern Health Sciences University. People who follow a balanced healthy diet will adequately meet their fat-soluble vitamin needs, but because these vitamins are stored in fat cells there is a risk of toxicity if you consume high doses. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/218453-w.../#ixzz1Ajk8toNf
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