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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Preferred it when you were in the alt-right. Now looks at you wanking away in this remainer echo chamber.
  2. Totally ruined my white Lacoste. 10p sized oil stain on the front that will never come out.
  3. Would have thought wearing white boots meant getting cut in half first tackle. Not sure about this metaphor rasta.
  4. Woudn't survive the oath ritual.
  5. This current pack of Tories are the worst cunts in living memory.
  6. Imagined that was your normal attire anyway. Especially the hounds tooth blazer ya.
  7. We will get something like EFTA anyway. Everything I look at as the days pass shows it. I still thing Br in any meaningful sense won't happen. In fact once reciprocated free movement/domicile rights are granted for current citizens living around the EU a reduced form of free movement will continue as well. EU citizens living in the UK who leave will obviously be allowed back and visa versa.
  8. It was only a 'commitment'. The EU are already reducing veto powers as we speak. I've kept an eye on it. Ever closer union means that we would have at some point to give up influence or accept more integration....It's how they do it. “This is a democracy. Once the frame is agreed, we will start the legislative process. This is not a veto.” The president’s statement means that Britain may not get the deal agreed by Mr Cameron if it ultimately votes to stay in the EU. Mr Schulz, from the parliament’s centre-left Socialist grouping, however pledged that MEPs would be “constructive”, “fair”, and bring clarity to the deal. The warning is a blow for Mr Cameron, who had explicitly earlier this month that the EU deal would be legally binding.
  9. It wasn't formalised in any document mate just a verbal agreement. It was never added to any legislation...They said they would add it later but never did. In fact it was never voted on by the council which is required to make it binding.
  10. The main thing is to avoid future EU madness ie the army, the hamonised taxation and a regulatory framework from hell. And having to bail half the continent out in a few years....We will have to comply with the trade stuff which is reasonable.
  11. They say the transition period is two years...What's the betting it ends up being 3 or 5? My mate at the investment bank now says that they have shelved their plans for Frankfurt till 2022 even though they did the feasibility and regulatory study last year.
  12. Labour are running from it hoping Tories will cock up further without tarnishing them in any way. Fake 9 as they say in football circles or should that be 10?
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