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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The main goal of mainstream education is to teach people as little as possible that might actually be of any real use to them.
  2. Park Life


    Let me know when you are here. I shall. Assuming I resist the February temptation (and I will... probably), it should be the middle weekend of April. I'm sure we can squeeze in a quick slice of Törtchen at the Gnosa or something. Best tarts on the planet baby.
  3. Park Life


    Let me know when you are here.
  4. Park Life


    My fav way to do chicken. Greek chicken. I add lime leaves as well (not in recipie). http://greekfood.about.com/od/poultrydishe...pouloskorth.htm
  5. Aye, it's been discussed before (perhaps not on here) but the likes of Joey, broke living in a loft apartment in one of the most expensive cities on Earth. Also with Frasier it's ridiculous how both the brothers are successful professionals who went to Ivy League colleges etc. but their Dad was a cop. Aye, righto. Yeah wierd one this. Quite surprised it's escaped my notice. Wouldn't occur to a silver spooner On the side of the workers though. Just kidding, Trotsky.
  6. I've taken that onboard. Will need to mull this a bit.
  7. It amazes me how they roll the stuff out they planned all those years ago.
  8. Apart from the fact that TtMB was complete horseplop, it was a comedy which was actually about class man! So was Steptoe and Son. I think you've completely shot yourself in the foot using these examples. Also, Seinfeld didn't have his own show for the vast amount of the series, and Kramer was an unexplained enigma per se, so you haven't got a point there either. And off the top of my head, what about 'My name is Earl'? Otherwise I'm not surprised that most US characters are in line with the American dream, that's just them, isn't it? I think you've missed my point....which is Brits will watch a show about class...whatever their own class and whatever the class of those in the show. Americans won't watch poor people, whether they themselves are poor or not. Edit: My Name is Earl is a good shout to go with Everybody hates Chris. They don't become all time great shows like the 2 British examples I gave...whether you like them or not. But there are several exceptions that show you're not right about the latter point. Leazes mentioned Married with Children which is another example of a poor family. Also the Simpsons are always brassic. Your examples show that the British are less comfortable about class than Americans imo. We can laugh more easily precisley because class is entrenched in our society (or was) to a much greater degree than it is in America. If that's what you're saying, then I agree. Think Nicos is saying there is a psychological gateway yet to be breeched in US comedy as a whole. Class has always been the de facto core of 'jokes' in UK comedy.
  9. Aye, it's been discussed before (perhaps not on here) but the likes of Joey, broke living in a loft apartment in one of the most expensive cities on Earth. Also with Frasier it's ridiculous how both the brothers are successful professionals who went to Ivy League colleges etc. but their Dad was a cop. Aye, righto. Yeah wierd one this. Quite surprised it's escaped my notice. Wouldn't occur to a silver spooner On the side of the workers though.
  10. Apart from the fact that TtMB was complete horseplop, it was a comedy which was actually about class man! So was Steptoe and Son. I think you've completely shot yourself in the foot using these examples. Also, Seinfeld didn't have his own show for the vast amount of the series, and Kramer was an unexplained enigma per se, so you haven't got a point there either. And off the top of my head, what about 'My name is Earl'? Otherwise I'm not surprised that most US characters are in line with the American dream, that's just them, isn't it? I think you've missed my point....which is Brits will watch a show about class...whatever their own class and whatever the class of those in the show. Americans won't watch poor people, whether they themselves are poor or not. Edit: My Name is Earl is a good shout to go with Everybody hates Chris. They don't become all time great shows like the 2 British examples I gave...whether you like them or not. Mmmm...To do with the dream or the writing or the producers?
  11. Aye, it's been discussed before (perhaps not on here) but the likes of Joey, broke living in a loft apartment in one of the most expensive cities on Earth. Also with Frasier it's ridiculous how both the brothers are successful professionals who went to Ivy League colleges etc. but their Dad was a cop. Aye, righto. Yeah wierd one this. Quite surprised it's escaped my notice.
  12. Hadn't really thought about that.
  13. Think the frission between classes provides for a lot of comedy in England.
  14. Depends where you carry it. My brain is heavy as fuck.
  15. Again admitting not seeing it, I'd argue that its not necessarily a failure of the school system that nepotistic systems exist within government and other walks of life. Obviously getting a few "poor" kids into positions of power would be good but going back to a system which simply wrote off the rest is a bit of a high price imo. I still think intelligent kids can make it within "normal" schools and even get as far as Oxbridge realtively easily but its what happens after that which represents the barrier imo. Grammar schools gave kids from normal families the chance to have a first-rate education and prosper at the highest levels of society, including becoming the PM (see my examples). Neil argues that it is nigh on impossible for a kid from a comprehensive to this and so far the evidence is he's right. It's not just educational attainment either, it's giving kids confidence and the chance to cultivate the relevant contacts. I agree that it is wrong to right off kids at 11 so I don't know what the solution really is. You and I would love to get rid of private schools altogether but we know that isn't going to happen. The problem is though that now the ruling elite have no competition. Look at the educational backgrounds of virtually all the front benchers and shadow benchers. It's depressing. The real danger to our system now are the think tanks, trusts and special advisors. Non elected and backed by nefarious elite money they have too big a hold on policy. Blair was one of the worst in this case.
  16. Again admitting not seeing it, I'd argue that its not necessarily a failure of the school system that nepotistic systems exist within government and other walks of life. Obviously getting a few "poor" kids into positions of power would be good but going back to a system which simply wrote off the rest is a bit of a high price imo. I still think intelligent kids can make it within "normal" schools and even get as far as Oxbridge realtively easily but its what happens after that which represents the barrier imo. And if they are gifted they are recruited to the 'other side' and that is that. All those grammar school PM's played the game btw...No different in outcome than if they were from private schools. I believe in Grammar schools however, having being kicked out of one.
  17. they should have seeked out a UN resolution, that would have sorted it out I'd rather people in their own coutries decided what to do in their own country. The UN has proved to be corrupt, innefectual and morally flaky since day one. true. [i was being sarcastic ]
  18. Yemen... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12295864 I'm not picky, but Egypt atm is key in the buttressing of Israel. If that goes then the local politics and supplies for Palestine will radically improve.
  19. they should have seeked out a UN resolution, that would have sorted it out I'd rather people in their own coutries decided what to do in their own country. The UN has proved to be corrupt, innefectual and morally flaky since day one.
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