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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The brown nosing continues, he doesn't like you, man
  2. It's not like the Sun wouldn't know if that ringpiece Redknapp had made an offer, with all his mates in the media. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true, and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets accepted. Then it's up to Carroll, and from a career perspective it's a bit of a no-brainer. There's no doubt the bid is true. Mac your respect for Tottenham surprises me. They are a well run club yes. Newcastle United have reached higher heights in the last 15 years than Tottenham will EVER do, we are a club with potential and imo a bigger name than Tottenham. If this was Chelsea or Man Utd, I'd be slightly worried however I genuinely believe Carroll wants to stay here for most of his career. He hasn't got that strength of character or intelligence to cope with London, people who live there will no what I mean, if he moved to London he'd end up with a life off the pitch worse than Gazza there ye are. I'm prepared to put my money where my mouth is. £20 bet anyone who wants it that he'll be at the toon on Feb1st. If Mashley has any brains and Carroll becomes and Eng regular and carries on scoring he can get double 2/3 years down the road. Think Carroll wants to stay, he will only go if they tell him they want/need the money etc...
  3. Cuddling and film with Mrs P tonight. Beer with a couple of friends tomorrow. Try and stay in bed all day sunday.
  4. Had Yoko (Maria's fav friend )over last night, went well I cooked for them and played cards with them for a bit and a bit of imaginery star wars. Had a glass of wine with Yoko's mum who is an actress. Hannah will go to hockey this eve with Justin. Hit and run strikes contiue unabated, destabalising the Maria junta in the playground, in the park and at painting club. By the grace of god England will prevail.
  5. Hobbes man, possibly referring to the philosopher but more than likely of Calvin & fame. NO was the first forum i ever posted on, TT the second. I only discovered internet forums in 2005 when i moved abroad and couldnt be arsed with foreign telly. Same here.
  6. Torres is a class act when he's not moping.
  7. Para 4 is an undisputed fact Renty.
  8. The programme argues that the system is such now that comprehensive education is now far less likely to produce someone capable of being better than Cameron, not that there are better people being overlooked due to some upper-crust conspiracy. I dont buy that. As with all life , people buy people, and no amount of education can make a false dullard a leader. You need to have that x factor to get your peers to elect you leader. MP's vote for vote winners to lead them. Now more than ever its personality that makes the difference between a leader like Blair and a dullard like Brown. So you don't think it was the education that Cameron, Clegg, Osborne, Blair etc received that gave them the advantage over their poorer peers? Do you think they are genetically superior and just happened to go to a £30k private school by coinicidence (this is a common theme amongst private school boys I know)? Or do you just have no problem with inequalities like this and parliament not representing it's population? Like I said, I figured you would have no problem with this. Btw, I wasn't making a party political point over this. I reckon there are thousands of tories from less affluent backgrounds who are aspirational and would disagree strongly with you as well. Thatcher for one, which is acknowledged in the programme. Bridget went to a comp btw but went to Oxford (essential nowadays). but it would have been a hundred times more difficult for her than for your tory chums. Thatchers husband was a multi-millionaire. They met after she became an MP. What's your point? Being well-monied (through birthright) is another trend that you can see in Parliament today. Mind, you have to have loaded parents to go to Eton or Westminster. Thatcher was the daughter of green grocer though. iirc she married in 1951 and became an MP for Finchley (a rock solid safe tory seat a cat with a blue ribband would win) in 1959. Could be wrong like.
  9. The programme argues that the system is such now that comprehensive education is now far less likely to produce someone capable of being better than Cameron, not that there are better people being overlooked due to some upper-crust conspiracy. I dont buy that. As with all life , people buy people, and no amount of education can make a false dullard a leader. You need to have that x factor to get your peers to elect you leader. MP's vote for vote winners to lead them. Now more than ever its personality that makes the difference between a leader like Blair and a dullard like Brown. So you don't think it was the education that Cameron, Clegg, Osborne, Blair etc received that gave them the advantage over their poorer peers? Do you think they are genetically superior and just happened to go to a £30k private school by coinicidence (this is a common theme amongst private school boys I know)? Or do you just have no problem with inequalities like this and parliament not representing it's population? Like I said, I figured you would have no problem with this. Btw, I wasn't making a party political point over this. I reckon there are thousands of tories from less affluent backgrounds who are aspirational and would disagree strongly with you as well. Thatcher for one, which is acknowledged in the programme. Bridget went to a comp btw but went to Oxford (essential nowadays). but it would have been a hundred times more difficult for her than for your tory chums. Thatchers husband was a multi-millionaire.
  10. Limit squad size and limit substitutions if you want to get any semblence of competition back in the PL. One sub per game outfield. 2x if the keeper gets injured.
  11. The programme argues that the system is such now that comprehensive education is now far less likely to produce someone capable of being better than Cameron, not that there are better people being overlooked due to some upper-crust conspiracy. I dont buy that. As with all life , people buy people, and no amount of education can make a false dullard a leader. You need to have that x factor to get your peers to elect you leader. MP's vote for vote winners to lead them. Now more than ever its personality that makes the difference between a leader like Blair and a dullard like Brown. Think the ability to lie and mislead the general populus is the defining factor of a good leader.
  12. Jesus was born in a stable and was educated by mystics.
  13. I don't agree any of those American characters are portrayed negatively, there is a certain amount of affection for all of them. I could just as well call Harold a pompous fool who denies his class, Dell boy as a small time conman who is a loser, Blackadder as a snide twat (2-4) or mental retard (1), and Fletcher as a lovable rogue - but still a rogue. You're making a point that isn't there. But perhaps so am I. OK, not negative portrayals, we love those characters despite their stupidity. The British poor are generally intelligent though. Smarter than their superiors. Despite any other character flaws. The US couldn't fathom that, they'd wonder why they were poor if they're that smart and hard working. You can be rich and smart You can be rich and stupid You can be poor and stupid You can't be poor and smart....it defies their logic of reaping the reward you deserve. It's a confliting paradigm to the perpetuated myths over there I guess.
  14. I haven' come across many politicians who are capable of original thought or who are that interested in it for that matter. Horses for courses.
  15. Park Life


    interesting. i've never made a tomato-based sauce with lemon juice before. isn't it super acidic? Balance it with some sugar.
  16. It isn't where they go to school it is more important who's ideas they take onboard. The one's who get through the assault course tend to have very similar ideas.
  17. Park Life


    Yeah that is the way I always do it.
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