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I can say that countermeasures against mankind was seen to be too exreme by the breakaway group. The planet will not be compromised. The awakening will go unchecked. The experiment will come to an end. It is in our hands now.
Can't confirm it of course, but it looks good. An absolute massive amount of data has been hitting the Parky radar for a number of weeks...Mankind is moving to the edge of a big moments. * Reg the Annunaki it has been mistranslated and passed down incorrectly and we are aware it is misinformation: The Annunaki thing is completely made up. Anu (even going back to Sumer, Baylonian texts and later Egyptian) means spirit or a spirit guide, not a literal being at all. It is the moment when the 'earth meets the sky.' The 'Anu' guide you through the 'Book of the dead' and so on... Don't trust anybody who bangs on about the Annunaki as 7ft beings who has us as slaves and so on...Misinformation. The elite are losing control of the planet as we speak. Insider testiomony recently revealed that some key members have split from the ruling group and their is a power play going on right now. The insider predicted the first result of this would be seen in the Middles east and then China. Got a link for that Whitley? No.
Some ministers of the falling regime have been blocked from leaving the country and their bank accounts frozen. Victory and freedom is in sight of the brave people in Tahrir square.
Anti-Mubarak supporters gain forward postions.
Can't confirm it of course, but it looks good. An absolute massive amount of data has been hitting the Parky radar for a number of weeks...Mankind is moving to the edge of a big moments. * Reg the Annunaki it has been mistranslated and passed down incorrectly and we are aware it is misinformation: The Annunaki thing is completely made up. Anu (even going back to Sumer, Baylonian texts and later Egyptian) means spirit or a spirit guide, not a literal being at all. It is the moment when the 'earth meets the sky.' The 'Anu' guide you through the 'Book of the dead' and so on... Don't trust anybody who bangs on about the Annunaki as 7ft beings who has us as slaves and so on...Misinformation. The elite are losing control of the planet as we speak. Insider testiomony recently revealed that some key members have split from the ruling group and their is a power play going on right now. The insider predicted the first result of this would be seen in the Middles east and then China. yeah like I said about the Annunaki it depends on who you believe... Sitchin for me is full of bollocks but he does have his supporters out there. Sitchin is a stooge for the ruling elite. It's psyops in the sense that we are not in control of our past and were slaves and so on...Rubbish.
Can't confirm it of course, but it looks good. An absolute massive amount of data has been hitting the Parky radar for a number of weeks...Mankind is moving to the edge of a big moments. * Reg the Annunaki it has been mistranslated and passed down incorrectly and we are aware it is misinformation: The Annunaki thing is completely made up. Anu (even going back to Sumer, Baylonian texts and later Egyptian) means spirit or a spirit guide, not a literal being at all. It is the moment when the 'earth meets the sky.' The 'Anu' guide you through the 'Book of the dead' and so on... Don't trust anybody who bangs on about the Annunaki as 7ft beings who has us as slaves and so on...Misinformation. The elite are losing control of the planet as we speak. Insider testiomony recently revealed that some key members have split from the ruling group and their is a power play going on right now. The insider predicted the first result of this would be seen in the Middles east and then China.
"The End is near. I have no illusions about this regime or its leader, and how he will pluck us and hunt us down one by one till we are over and done with and 8 months from now will pay people to stage fake protests urging him not to leave power, and he will stay "because he has to acquiesce to the voice of the people". This is a losing battle and they have all the weapons, but we will continue fighting until we can't. I am heading to Tahrir right now with supplies for the hundreds injured, knowing that today the attacks will intensify, because they can't allow us to stay there come Friday, which is supposed to be the game changer. We are bringing everybody out, and we will refuse to be anything else than peaceful. If you are in Egypt, I am calling on all of you to head down to Tahrir today and Friday. It is imperative to show them that the battle for the soul of Egypt isn't over and done with. I am calling you to bring your friends, to bring medical supplies, to go and see what Mubarak's gurantees look like in real life. Egypt needs you. Be Heroes."
Mohamed ElBaradei urges world leaders to abandon Hosni Mubarak Criminal acts by government-backed thugs and a regime killing its own people make negotiations impossible, says Nobel laureate Mohamed Elbaradei protests cairo Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei addresses anti-Mubarak protesters in Tahrir Square. Photograph: Sipa Press / Rex Features Mohamed ElBaradei has called on the international community to urgently withdraw support from "a regime that is killing its people", following a day of intense violence in Cairo that left at least one dead and several hundred more injured. The Nobel peace laureate, who some want to see leading a transitional government in a post-Mubarak Egypt, told the Guardian that the "criminal acts" of government-backed thugs in the capital yesterday had made any negotiations with the Mubarak regime impossible. "Today's violence is again an indication of a criminal regime that has lost any common sense," said ElBaradei. "We have no intention whatsoever – at least I speak for myself on this – in engaging in dialogue with this regime until the number one person responsible for this, who is Mubarak, leaves the country. He must get out." Following a speech by Mubarak on Tuesday night in which the Egyptian leader promised to step down in September, there had been speculation that a loose coalition of anti-Mubarak groups would rethink their refusal to accept an offer of discussions with newly appointed vice-president Omar Suleiman. But amid scenes of running street battles between anti-government protesters and pro-Mubarak forces, many of whom were found to be carrying police identification, ElBaradei said the opposition's resolve to force Mubarak out immediately had only been strengthened. "First of all this is not a negotiation – we the people have legitimate demands and we would like to tell the government what to do. Our freedom is not up for negotiation. Secondly how can you negotiate with a regime that is killing its people? When the regime tries to counter a peaceful demonstration by using thugs, some of whom are police officers in plain clothes – we've seen their IDs – there are few words that do justice to this villainy and I think it can only hasten that regime's departure." "After today people are realising just what they're dealing with," added the 68-year-old. "Now they're not just talking about the man responsible leaving the country, they're also talking about putting him on trial. If he has an iota of dignity left, he should leave. Mubarak has received a vote of no confidence by the entire Egyptian people … I hope he has the intelligence to realise that it is better for him to leave now before the country continues to go down the drain, economically and socially." Despite the bloodshed, ElBaradei called on pro-change demonstrators to continue taking to the streets in huge numbers. "I think Friday will be a very big day in that respect. But even if they don't, even if they are repressed and crushed, there is still no going back. This is a new era – just look in protesters' eyes. The Egyptians have grown in confidence, they've tasted freedom, and there's no way back." He also confirmed that he had been contacted in recent days by the British government as well as a number of other international leaders. "My message to them is simple: the sooner Mubarak leaves, the better it is for everybody and the quicker we can restore normality and stability in Egypt and establish the cornerstone of democracy in the Middle East."
Re: Egypt? « Reply #169 on: Yesterday at 07:53:22 PM » Reply with quoteQuote Good old KFC, one of my friends wrote this on facebook: "I just came back from Tahrir square. I have seen Mubarak supporters receiving 50 pounds per demonstrator. I asked for 100 pounds to carry a supporting sign but was told that they pay only 50 but they can give me a meal from kfc!
Al Jazeera blocked in Egypt. Mobile networks blocked. 1,500 injured yesterday. 5 killed. Liberation Square still held by anti-Govt supporters. UN, US and UK call for an end to violence and swift move to peace talks. Many Pro-Gov supporters captured were found with secret police cards, police cards and have been paid to fight the protestors.
Tiote is back tho isn't he?
Kevin Nolan believes Liverpool's swoop for Andy Carroll will see the striker go on to become one of the best in the business. The Newcastle skipper is a big admirer of our new No.9 and struck up a firm friendship with him during his time at St James's Park. The boyhood Red admits it is a major blow for the Magpies to lose their main hitman but feels playing in Kenny Dalglish's side will help Carroll reach his full potential. Nolan told LFC Now: "You are getting a top, top player. Obviously I've had a lot of texts and calls over the last day or so. I'm quite surprised at how pleased everyone is with it. He's only just burst onto the scene in the last six months. "Believe me you have got a top, top player. He's going to be one of the best. There's no-one like him in the league. He'll score and create goals. He'll also show great desire and commitment. That's what Liverpool fans want and deserve. "He's still a young lad. Everyone forgets that. He's great around the dressing room. He's funny in his own witty way and as you know I'm very friendly with him. "I managed to get away with him with a few times last year with a couple of friends of mine who are going to be in Liverpool and can help him settle in. "When we first heard about the move he asked me what I thought. You can imagine my reaction. I was delighted for him. He's going to be a great addition to what is a new start for Liverpool." Carroll has enjoyed a meteoric rise over the past 12 months, culminating in an impressive debut for Fabio Capello's England. Nolan acknowledges the forward has made huge strides recently but insists he has always had the talent to develop into one of the best players around. "I don't think anyone could say you aren't surprised (at the speed of his development)," said Nolan. "We always knew he had the talent. It was just whether he had the temperament. He has got that and has everything. "Some things have been written about him that I think have been unfair. When he gets on that pitch with the quality of players you have, with Stevie and the likes of Meireles putting it on a plate for him, he won't let them down. I'm very confident about that. "I loved playing with him. He'll give you everything he has got and make sure the central defenders come off knowing they've had a game. "People say he's an old-fashioned type of centre forward but I'm sure over the next five years or so you'll see that he has more than that in his game. I think it showed in the goal he scored against Liverpool at our place this season, that he has the talent to strike a great ball too. "I'm gutted we've lost him but delighted he's gone to a fantastic club."
Anyway there is a full scale revolution going on in Egypt and my thoughts are with those poor people getting stoned and battoned.
His brain has been stolen by a pub footballer.
Aye, think they mentioned him, saying even Cliff has been at it! Sir isn't he?
Yeah Ricky seems to have got the ideas he's the best left back in the world.
Pitch was too muddy for our flair players.
Fulham are a tidy well organised side at home but don't create much, real shame Ricky lost the flight of that ball. Once Bafra and Totty get back we should be alright. Need to get to 40 points asap. Ranger not really upto it though, so might have to go back to one up front.
Let's do this.
The rich use the upkeep as tax breaks. It's not short sighted at all it't part of the plan to de-link common people from their age old birthrights and assets. Part of the global warming scam will be used to pass more regulation in the name of protecting the enviroment and so on...But in actuality it is a trasferance of power of ownership and use. People will be encouraged away from the countryside and into the cities further. Note Obama passing the anti-rainwater storing or harvesting laws in the states. That's an interesting take on it and one I hadn't thought of, I must admit. Read an article about it last week saying that typically of the tories its a chance for rich people to use it as tax breaks and that the relatively minor ammount of money the sales will make will be at least equalled by future tax losses, but then their rich mates will have benefitted and the poorer public at large will have been shafted again, so tories are happy. I'm sure carbon credits and carbon sinks is part of this particular scam. Might even be (and I know my imagination might run wild at times), but the rich might at some point start charging the Govt to keep the forests as carbon sinks and so on(on top of the tax breaks discussed of course)...Anyways I'm sure various scams are afoot. Basically people will be robbed of pretty much everything our forefathers have paid for many times over before they are done with us.
100's of injured some dead. No ambulances in sight. Security forces in plain clothes carrying out attacks all day on the demo in the square.
There coming for you.
"Since 1979, Egypt has been the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, after Israel, according to a 2009 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report. Beginning in 1973, when Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s diplomacy led to Egyptian-Israel accords and, eventually, to the 1979 peace treaty with Israel, Egypt has been central to U.S. strategy in the Middle East. The Cairo regime has remained a vital counterweight to Iran and a mediator with the Palestinian Hamas regime." Reuters: (Reuters) - The United States has given Egypt an average of $2 billion annually since 1979, much of it military aid, according to the Congressional Research Service. The combined total makes Egypt the second largest recipient of U.S. aid after Israel. The White House said on Friday it would review U.S. aid to Egypt based on events in the coming days amid mass protests aimed at ending President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule. Here are some facts about the aid: -- In 2010, $1.3 billion went to strengthen Egyptian forces versus $250 million in economic aid. Another $1.9 million went for training meant to bolster long-term U.S.-Egyptian military cooperation. Egypt also receives hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of excess military hardware annually from the Pentagon. -- The Obama administration has asked Congress to approve similar sums for the 2011 fiscal year.