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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Liv beginning to look like cloggers again. Honeymoon over?
  2. Chicken man!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111
  3. Cry me a river please. Danke.
  4. The contracted is worth more when we sell them and/or keeps them on a low(er) wage for a longer period of time with the club not having to renegotiate for a few years. We're planning on selling John Carver? Football finances gone mad tbh.
  5. Indeed we will. Sign them up to long term contracts and then you can demand a bigger transfer fee. Which narrows down the number of potential suitors to those you can do fuck all about anyway and even then it's gonna cost them and maybe make them think twice. So you don't deny that's FMA's intentions then? Seriously man you need to give your head a shake. Those that are likely to come in for him are the clubs occupying the top 6 places. And not one of them will think twice about financial outlay if they feel he'll vastly improve their squad. I can honestly see Man Utd interested in him given the state of their central midfield. It's not about intention to sell, in fact it's the opposite, if it was about a fast buck, they'd have let his contract stay where it was, now it means it's got to be a silly offer or he stays. He's FAR more likely to stay now than he was yesterday. It's not about the FCB. It's a fact of life that IF one of the "big" boys further up the tree than you, comes after your player you are fucked no matter who you are. The ONLY thing you can do is try and make it hurt or at least make your compensation worthwhile. We are not a Champions League team we CANNOT stop players heads being turned by the rich bastards. It's reality, nowt to do with Ashley or anyone else. It's the way the game is and THAT is where the fundamental flaw lies. Sadly if Man U are interested in any player at just about any club, they're gone. Let's see what happens at Spurs if the rumours of Man U's interest in Modric are true, especially if Spurs don't requalify for the money machine. Why can't people see this ????? They are blinded by their love for Ashley.
  6. Moscow fake. Blue spiral jury still out (maybe project bluebeam). I don't know.
  7. So for instance LOOK at these guys, they have gone from the periphery to some serious funding of late...What is the message here??
  8. We are already communicating with other species, but like all things they want deals...The nature of the deals is unclear and shrouded in misinformation as you'd expect. As you say we definitely need to bring the dark side of nasa and the nsa a little more into public view and lay developments on the table (but they are not sure people can handle it and are also aware they would lose their power). The loss of power in the sense that what if suddenly they admitted that actually free energy (or nearly free) was already available?? The elite fortunes built on oil would go down the shitter... If you keep an eye on what is filtering into the mainstream media and policy bodies and the stuff coming out of think tanks then we're looking at a Global warming agenda (this is mass behaviour mod), Agneda 21 (a new relationship with profit/industrialisation and the planet) and a move toward the ending of money as such or a reduction in currencies of use. There are strong motives at work to move over to carbon credits and so on...Whatever the real impact of the DOOM scenarios it is intersting to look at the ones the elites are wanting to go with........That tells you everything. P
  9. Haven't you previously argued the moon landings were a hoax? Must be hard not to contradict yourself when you literally believe every conspiracy theory going. Apollo was a hoax. But that's public domain ie legit nasa stuff. Not black budget stuff. Good point though bro. Double bluff? All in good time sweetie.
  10. It is from my dedicated and unsurpassed research in the field I'll have you know. Icke is working for the other side.
  11. I woudn't take much notice of the calendar. What is a calender anyway ie what is time? That stuff is silly in the sense we are on a celestial body flying through space.
  12. It might be but I think 11 is closer and I also have a fondness for 13 Yes We have flying saucers and have had since the 50's and most sightings are of ours (the americans ones) Yes but different tech Yes I don't know. But there is a lot of propagnada from both sides on this.
  13. Haven't you previously argued the moon landings were a hoax? Must be hard not to contradict yourself when you literally believe every conspiracy theory going. Apollo was a hoax. But that's public domain ie legit nasa stuff. Not black budget stuff. Good point though bro.
  14. Some of it. Some of it you realise after a while is misinformation. No Some Yes Think the lizard thing is misdirection.
  15. The fiction films close encouters and ET were public domain predictive programming initiated for preperation of ET revelations. Even with the agreements that were signed between Truman and later Eisenhower with the various (mainly 3 et races) there was quite a worry that at some point the ET's would take their own initiative in revelations and interactions with man. Especially the humanoid type (tall 7ft and blonde with blue eyes) who were very insistant on destruction of all atomic weapons on earth and the freezing of all research in this area. It is know that exploding nukes cretes a plume signature around the planet and it was after this the mass arrivals began. The main tone of various covert propaganda units were initially set up to DEBUNK all alien sightings and abduction stories. Especially around the Mojave desert. The (EBE) greys are as much machine as they are bio and don't seem to have any particular demands apart from use of bases on earth (we made about 12 for them), permission to experiment on this planet (intersted mainly in our belief in the soul) and take some raw materials. Later in the 50's their masters arrived, slightly taller and fully bio. The smaller greys were scouts with machine like non emotional descision making. All the greys speak telepathically and can project fear into the minds of humans at will. There behaviour is often arbritary toward us. It is sometimes argued that although they are tech advanced there aren't self aware with a moral component as we are. As you rightly infer there seems to be a background timetable to these things and man tends to make quick quantum jumps in philosophy and behaviour. it is also now understood that civ's on earth tend to have a glass ceiling of around 10,000 year cycles, approaching of which creates a conflict between raw materials and civ size and behaviour (religion/greed/sharing) and questions with regard to purpose. There is a feeling that the the civ needs to become truly spacebound within this cycle before the mismatch in materials and population creates a catastrophe involving asset grab and warfare (as has now begun). ET has revealed this is the 3rd advanced human race on this planet, the other two not having made the survival window of the equation between tech x raw materials x population growth. There is some mechanism that shuts down a civ once the time is up (around 8,000-10,000 years). This mechanism is perhaps built into the earth or the influence of the sun (the old gods). Further reading: Project Sigma Project Plato Project Bluebeam Majestic 12 MJ 12 set up by Rockefellar and Eisenhower. Project Grudge NSC5511 Agenda 21 Man currently posesses superluminal craft developed with the help of et and massive black budgets There is a base on the moon Mars and man is already present on Europa. The current paradigm is the battle between an imposed and distorted history of man and the slow revelation of the true history of man and his interactions with ET. There is intelligence on both sides. It is realised that man cannot continue with current societal structures and current mindsets. The question arises what is the way forward.....
  16. Watcher/shepherd exotic devices/craft. Origin not known. The nsa (formed in 1952 by presidential order 'Truman') as the first and now premium agnecy to deal with ebe and later went onto decrypt some half dozen et languages and comm with some dozens of off world entities has no idea what the emv's are. Hypothesis currently guessing as some kind of failsafe non-biological, non-alligned, non-et device, perhaps some kind of universal tool? Et themselves are in awe of the emv's which are way in advance of anything known even to THEM. Although there are some stories that they are from beyond the beginning of this timeline or possibly another universe and they are some kind of guardians of life. Et fear them, especially the ones meddling here. It is said the have the power to make and disable suns. ET has also relayed that arrival of said emv's are a sign of big things and they have seen it before. Hypothesis is that they are dampening possible mass corona ejections and are interacting with the sun in some totally exotic and unknown manner. To the best of my knowledge P.
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