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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Mate click on the image and it enlarges. To me it looks like reactor one is totalled. I hope the core is still ok.
  2. New pics have a close look gay boy http://www.ryocentral.info/ Might be a timely warning to the rest of the world where people were thinking full steam ahead nuke racks...Especially the germans and us. That's just some tit's blog. On March 11 he reports "TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI IN JAPAN" On March 12 he's recommending synth music. This is the man who's writing the blog: Who's the gay boy now? Pics are on his blog but they aren't from his blog are they? They are from the digital globe media library. I spose you play chess with monkeys and get beat.. Fuck me no wonder Norvern Wock got fucked..
  3. On telly as I was leaving the house. What u want? Your arsy cause you realised your last link was just some buffoon...
  4. New pics have a close look gay boy http://www.ryocentral.info/ Might be a timely warning to the rest of the world where people were thinking full steam ahead nuke racks...Especially the germans and us.
  5. Some German prof on telly this morn giving the full DOOM scenario: Water on too late. Boron on too late. Water pumps start/stop. 3 explosions/emergency venting already 168 locals contaminated Poss at least one meltdown on cards. Nuke soup with tofu hold the prawns
  6. excellent article, though doesn't mention the plutonium mix scenario which seems to be the latest scare? Good article. Obscure prof in business mag says everything is cushty keeping buying shares in monkey nuts. let us keep the gold. So you post a link to business investor notes in the very next post Anyway this is why I hate the japs... (Reuters) – A 40-year-old nuclear reactor facing a possible meltdown in northeastern Japan was originally scheduled to go out of commission in February but had its operating license extended another 10 years. http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/03/13/i...-55540120110313
  7. Just wait till your watching Star wars on rotation.
  8. excellent article, though doesn't mention the plutonium mix scenario which seems to be the latest scare? Good article. Obscure prof in business mag says everything is cushty keeping buying shares in monkey nuts. let us keep the gold.
  9. Japans debt is 200% of gdp. Either way this baby is one more quake from gone. "But analysts are worried about the earthquake's impact on the country's fiscal situation specifically. It is a fair concern: Japan's books do not look very good. Its public debt is 228 percent of GDP, compared with 144 percent for Greece and 77 percent for the United Kingdom. Moreover, the country's politicians have failed to tackle the debt crisis, given that borrowing costs remain so low, despite warnings from ratings agencies. In January, Standard and Poor's cut Japan's long-term sovereign debt rating, saying politicians had no real plan to bring the country back into the black and worrying debt levels "will continue to rise further than we envisaged before the global economic recession hit the country and will peak only in the mid-2020s."
  10. I find that very strange as well. Could be wanting to hide the enormity of the problems. For certain the japs will be playing it down to avoid mass panic. They don't have much farmland either so nuke leaks will wipe out the food supply pretty fast along with fishing.
  11. Won't be funny if one does blow. Death toll would be high and ongoing depending on the air currents. They are trying to cool react 1 with seawater ffs!! This alone is last ditch stuff... No I agree with you tbh, there is inevitably going to be powerful earthquakes at some point in that region. The two reactors on the coast are within pretty close range of the quake, the strongest rumbles caught them. I know it was a gentle scold. The problem might be that there will be another biggish quake and that is why the Germans and French are telling their people to get out of Tokyo. I really never realised how many nuke power stations jpn had on such a small quake prone landmass. Madness.
  12. These are just facts from French experts who were there on the ground.
  13. Won't be funny if one does blow. Death toll would be high and ongoing depending on the air currents. They are trying to cool react 1 with seawater ffs!! This alone is last ditch stuff...
  14. Earthquake prediction/risk on California high. Jpn bought a lot of weapons grade uranium when nukes were decomissioned by France and USSR. This stuff is the worst kind, not gentle like the Chernobyl stuff... This could go planet wide if one or more reactors blow. IMO the japs are playing it down foolishly.
  15. Pretty much. Still we love the Nintendo innit... French say meltdown risk in react 1 and 3.
  16. Never one to be sensationalist Parky eh? Just facts.
  17. Read somewhere they have 70 nuclear power plants and facilities altogether. And we're talking earthquake island here...Mental. Btw French experts arrived and left within hours. Germans rescue teams told to get out. Lot of the fuel is ex-weapons grade ie many times more volatile and dangerous than Chernobyl. Japan could be fucked.
  18. California quake today 4.9. There is talk of a radioactive cloud from Japan. Not confirmed.
  19. exactly. Skidmarks [bairn] = Toonpack [dad] = Noelie [Grandad] Keep the rubbish running in the family lads.
  20. Park Life


    Get proper soya sauce ffs!!
  21. ONe of the silly haricut brigade. No thanks.
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