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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Dark corners of the interweb are reporting bad shit...no scratch that...mega bad shit happenning in Jpn...The nuke fuel in one or two of the reactors is x weapons grade and very rich and kill happy. STOP Meltdown ongoing. STOP Deadzone. STOP
  2. Guti and Shola joint MOM for me. Both had excellent games and endless running.
  3. Looks like problems with decent rivers...All hands to the pump.
  4. He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though. Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.
  5. You should really take more photos like PP.
  6. It's like that Pacino - DeNiro scene in Heat but without the class acting.
  7. “The American people are going to be outraged when they understand what has been going on,” U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican who is chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Fed, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. “What in the world are we doing thinking we can pass out tens of billions of dollars to banks that are overseas?” said Paul, who has advocated abolishing the Fed. “We have problems here at home with people not being able to pay their mortgages, and they’re losing their homes.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-01/f...ers-secret.html
  8. I'll wait till he has passed (HItch) before replying.
  9. "raped like the tsunami that took out tokyo"
  10. He's just thrown in a Japan earthquake metaphor...
  11. I've noticed his crack has gone downhill over the last few weeks. The Mashley effect?
  12. Challenging for top 12!! WTF is he on about!! It's wide open outside the top 6 ffs.
  13. in other words, they don't give a flying fuck about anybody but themselves and expect everybody to make allowances for them, under threats of violence and murder if you don't ? Racists. That's my point perfectly. There are various socio-economic and cultural issues to it though. One thing I noticed when I lived in Brum was that my Sikh friends by and large spoke English at home and had many white friends and went to football and so on (Villa) and the Muslims had more of an insular lifestyle. I was going to edit that rather than offend the feelings of a few little dears. The mistaken belief seems to be that my comments on muslims have something to do with the fact that they aren't white ? Which has absolutely nothing to do with it at all. Not that I need to justify my views, because they are based on how people behave and nothing else. In fact I've said in this very thread that you don't see Jews and Chinese for example behaving like absurd tosspots expecting everybody to jump up and down for their potty fanatical and extreme beliefs. Quite astonishing nobody seems to have noticed.... Not sure about the Jews like...
  14. Here in Germany for instance the late influx of muslims from Afg, Turkey and other places are all quite different, so in many ways it depends on the source of the immigration. The wealthier Turks (middle class) who work at Lufthansa and in insurance and banks here are well integrated and generally have a western outlook...They drink, go clubbing and have a high uptake of German culture (whatever that is)...The Muslims from Afg are some of the friendliest you could ever hope to meet and are generous and funny to a fault. Forgot to add that the Turks who are poorer and with less education who perhaps are at the end of some types of discrimination tend to diss German culture from dusk till dawn.
  15. Aye. And the window in question is west facing which really shows off the light refracting 'gems' to their best advantage during the long summer nights. Probaly worth 30% on the house value tbh.
  16. in other words, they don't give a flying fuck about anybody but themselves and expect everybody to make allowances for them, under threats of violence and murder if you don't ? Racists. That's my point perfectly. There are various socio-economic and cultural issues to it though. One thing I noticed when I lived in Brum was that my Sikh friends by and large spoke English at home and had many white friends and went to football and so on (Villa) and the Muslims had more of an insular lifestyle.
  17. Can see you in that down the Lange Rhie..
  18. As Stevie regularly mentions the Indian/Sikh/Hindu immigrants make much more of an attempt at careful and thoughtful integration and by and large the muslim/Pakistani immigration is still to a large extent a nation within a nation. This is backed up by stats all over the place if you look.
  19. such as, Bro ? It would be too dangerous in your hands bro..
  20. The wierdest thing about LM is that if he did a bit of research his arguments would be much more balanced and thus harder hitting...
  21. Tepco admitting partial meltdown to reactor 2 now. Highly radioactive water around the reactor site and only a few meters from the sea.
  22. Good stuff and hats off to Mike for taking the time out for a visit. Getting Bafra back at even 90% of his former glory would still make him a big threat in the PL.
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