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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. There are 5 famous actors... Would you turn down an honour bestwoed by the queen?
  2. Ha ha..Not many are aware of that story.
  3. Just far enough away from the sun and the big gas giants not to get sucked in. Mmmm..
  4. Physicists will announce Wednesday that data from a major US atom smasher lab may have revealed a new elementary particle, or potentially a new force of nature, one of the researchers told AFP. The discovery is believed to relate to mass and how objects obtain it -- a persistent riddle to experts and one of the most sought-after answers in all of physics. "There could be some new force beyond the force that we know," said Giovanni Punzi, a physicist with the international research team that is analyzing the data. "If it is confirmed, it could point to a whole new world of interactions," he told AFP. While much remains a mystery, one thing researchers agree on is that this is something beyond the "God Particle," or the Higgs-boson, a hypothetical elementary particle which has long eluded physicists who believe it could explain why objects have mass. "The Higgs boson is a piece that goes into the puzzle that we already have," said Punzi. "Whereas this is something that goes a little bit beyond that -- a new interaction, a new force." For more than a year physicists have been studying what appears to be a "bump" in the data from the US Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which operates the powerful particle accelerator Tevatron. http://news.discovery.com/space/tevatron-f...ery-110406.html
  5. Like the way your mind worked into that...
  6. Park Life


    "The Obama administration is urging Congress not to adopt legislation that would impose constitutional safeguards on Americans’ e-mail stored in the cloud. As the law stands now, the authorities may obtain cloud e-mail without a warrant if it is older than 180 days, thanks to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act adopted in 1986. At that time, e-mail left on a third-party server for six months was considered to be abandoned, and thus enjoyed less privacy protection. However, the law demands warrants for the authorities to seize e-mail from a person’s hard drive. A coalition of internet service providers and other groups, known as Digital Due Process, has lobbied for an update to the law to treat both cloud- and home-stored e-mail the same, and thus require a probable-cause warrant for access. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on that topic Tuesday. The companies — including Google, AOL and AT&T — maintain that the law should be changed to reflect that consumers increasingly access their e-mail on servers, instead of downloading it to their hard drives, as a matter of course. But the Obama administration testified that imposing constitutional safeguards on e-mail stored in the cloud would be an unnecessary burden on the government. Probable-cause warrants would only get in the government’s way." http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/04/f...ndment-email-2/
  7. Radiation so high it damaged the measuring equipment. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/world/as...japan.html?_r=1
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...oe-pattern.html
  9. I assume that is a coronal mass ejection Parky? They happen all the time man, just like earthquakes. No it means Jebus is coming back.
  10. http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSy...mp;argumentId=1 Will hit us on the 11th.
  11. Despite assurances by health officials that radiation from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan is unlikely to show up in the food supply, worries about contaminated foods are growing among consumers, businesses and governments across the globe. On Tuesday, the Japanese government announced new radiation standards for fish after high levels of radioactive iodine and cesium were found in fish caught halfway between the reactor site and Tokyo. In response, the European Union said it would tighten its own radiation limits for Japanese food imports. India said it would ban all food from Japan for at least three months. In the United States, where about 4 percent of food imports come from Japan, the Food and Drug Administration has restricted some foods from the country. And the agency is working with customs officials to screen incoming fish and other food for traces of radiation." Just keep upping the radiation safe standards and soon we won't have to worry about the pesky japs.
  12. Where abouts in France are you again? The capital. Just tell him.
  13. It's gonna get a lot worse. aftershock armageddon Japan is history. It will be back to neofuedalism within 20 years. *If it doesn't fall off that peak and straight into the Pacific trench that is.
  14. All nuke power stations on Jpn need to be shut down and moved away from Jpn.
  15. Park Life


    Bought and paid for like Bush. It's insanity to think otherwise.
  16. Not the British people as such, but the huge corporations starting right back with the East India company. The greedy and evil elite basically. The majority of people are as innocent as little lambs caught in a snowstorm with little idea what is happenning on the other side of the hill.
  17. Truth has been in flux since KK left. End of.
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