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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. More madness! 6 year old girl given body search at airport.
  2. If only there was a way of finding out. Some kind of national survey available in 56 languages, say... Latvian forests quiver at the thought.
  3. Then it says officials will start knocking on doors offering to help fill in the form. Yeah good luck with that.
  4. Chicken Balti pastie or pie at Wimbledon train station from the pastie place on a cold winter eve wating for the train is about as good as it gets on earth.
  5. The Japanese government's nuclear safety agency has decided to raise the crisis level of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident from 5 to 7, the worst on the international scale. The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency made the decision on Monday. It says the damaged facilities have been releasing a massive amount of radioactive substances, which are posing a threat to human health and the environment over a wide area. The agency used the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, to gauge the level. The scale was designed by an international group of experts to indicate the significance of nuclear events with ratings of 0 to 7. On March 18th, one week after the massive quake, the agency declared the Fukushima trouble a level 5 incident, the same as the accident at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979. Level 7 has formerly only been applied to the Chernobyl accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986 when hundreds of thousands of terabecquerels of radioactive iodine-131 were released into the air. One terabecquerel is one trillion becquerels. The agency believes the cumulative amount from the Fukushima plant is less than that from Chernobyl. Officials from the agency and the Nuclear Safety Commission will hold a news conference on Tuesday morning to explain the change of evaluation. Tuesday, April 12, 2011 05:47 +0900 (JST)
  6. Hate the way Dalglish over celebrates. This was always going to be one way when Tevez came off. The rest of the side are money grabbing layabouts.
  7. Independent French radiation commission warns Europe that health risk from Fukushima fallout is “no longer negligible” — Says US west coast has 8-10 times more contamination April 11th, 2011 at 06:36 AM Radiation risks from Fukushima ‘no longer negligible’, EurActive, April 11, 2011: The risks associated with iodine-131 contamination in Europe are no longer “negligible,” according to CRIIRAD [Commission de Recherche et d'Information Indépendantes sur la Radioactivité], an independent French research body on radioactivity. … The document, published on 7 April, advises against consuming rainwater and says vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid consuming vegetables with large leaves, fresh milk and creamy cheese. The risks related to prolonged contamination among vulnerable groups of the population can no longer be considered “negligible” and it is now necessary to avoid “risky behaviour,” CRIIRAD claimed. … [This] is applicable to other European countries, as the level of air contamination is currently the same in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, for instance. Data for the west coast of the United States, which received the Fukushima radioactive fallout 6-10 days before France, reveals that levels of radioactive iodine-131 concentration are 8-10 times higher there, the institute says.
  8. Science-Simply years behind. [/Parky]
  9. I assume that is a coronal mass ejection Parky? They happen all the time man, just like earthquakes. New Jpn Earthquake hit as flare hit earth. Parky 1 Renton (Poster boy for old science) 0.
  10. Nile Estaben Ballotelli Kluivert Ranger.
  11. Powaranger nailed on for both goals in a Kluivert in his heyday like performance of madness.
  12. Fist mate. There is clearly a highly paid job waiting for you in Lollywood.
  13. I'll be winning this so just give me some shit grass nibbler.
  14. Robot nation full of jobsworths and liars and shamefaced careerists. Fail.
  15. This is the follow the leader nonsense that got them into this mess in the first place.
  16. Knowledge and wisdom are very seperate beasts my friends.
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