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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Cameron has said today that they'll be a public enquiry into the first enquiry by the Met into this carry on. I wonder if the poor bloke who was on 5 live this morning laying into a News International executive will be called to give evidence? The exec naturally apologised profusely to the man who just happened to be the father of a victim of the July 7th bombings. The exec asked for the man's number to be passed on to him by the BBC so they could explain the ins and outs of what has gone on. "youve already got it" he answered, to which the exec said that they didn't, and that the list of people targeted was in the hands of the Met. Which is sort of ironic, when the payments mentioned in the VF article above were to officers in the Met in exchange for the phone number's of victim's families over a period of years earlier in this decade. Authorised you'll notice by Andy Coulson, the man Cameron thought was a good,safe pair of hands to run his media department. Fuckin despicable practices. It'll all take years to fully come out and if you ask me the Met investigating the Met and Rebbeca Brooks "leading" the News International investigation are just sick fuckin jokes. Don't know what we can expect from the public enquirie(s).....they are likely to be many years in the future and some being called may well have done time for it....unlikely to be Murdoch, Coulson or Brooks though... but if you ask me they should be left in a room alone with Milly Dowler's parents and a baseball bat. People are delusional if they think the Gov is going to take on News Int. Public Inq = Cover up.
  2. How about getting the corrupt Gov to change the laws about monopolies and media ownership? Oh noes..!!!
  3. Like a Bond villain, minus the charm. And the Persian cat. Plus a grating Aussie accent.
  4. Murdoch is basically evil and to confirm this he is the owner of an American passport now.
  5. Aye, totally agree. I've mentioned before I'd settle for a bit of honesty if nowt else. It would probably make it easier for themselves in the long run too. Of course, it assumes they have a strategy. Think it's a minimum spend strategy.
  6. Strange business...WTF! Work you bastard!! Ideas?
  7. Park Life


    That looks ultra Meenz. I'd be tempeted to throw loads of chopped corriander in.
  8. You mean you'll never forget it, but you've kind of forgotten it?
  9. I'll never forget the whole putting a mod on TT as part of his CV or whaever that hilarious week was about...
  10. Mrs P is cheering on the German girls team, makes one wonder what all this stuff is about.
  11. West had some games for Everton. Milan, San Remo and Genova are my fav places in Italy (still haven't been to Rome). It used to bother me they had no concept of queueing.
  12. I think it's an interesting theory. It's speculative of course What you're actually trying to do is describe something really complex which is a relationship at the top of a big highly resourced organisation with loads of decision-making which is intertwined and interdependent. No contract in the world sets things out in specific terms (or if there is specificity its on one aspect of things). The balance of power and influence that Pardew has is a function of how effective he is at influencing the ultimate decision maker. Sir Alex does not set the MUFC transfer budget (as such a thing does not exist for one ) and does not sign off on negotiations. His influence is a function of him and his relationship with the chief executive and Glazers. Saying 'it works this way, it works that way' is just pure bullshit speculation on everyone's part. Its dynamic, evolving and usually based on developing trust and influence. Just like in every other commerical organisation in the world. Its called politics. You're reading way too much into it, Chez. I don't recall claiming it was a contractual arrangement, and that wasn't my intention. I was kicking about an idea ie pardew has fuck all meaningful involvement in transfers, he's happy to put up with that and that's probably been the arrangement from the get-go. Yes it's bullshit speculation but that's the nature of the forum, none of us have the inside track including you. Aye but its the quality of the speculation thats troubling. Reading the shite in this thread and then being told its ME reading too much into a situation is a bit much. I was just giving you my view too anyway. The implication of Pardew's impotence is that Dekka has signed Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, Ba and Merveaux in the last 12 months. No sorry, the scout went to see them and the Dekka made the decision. Half the time he's some thick as fuck casino owner, the next minute he is making the best signing in the premiership last season. Its like Ant and his arguments for ignoring Ba's or Merveaux's stats and saying we dont have a goal scorer but then using Erding's stats to say he isnt one either. Its cake and eat it time again. It is common knowledge you signed Bafra.
  13. Just waiting for the old Ashley's put X million in to keep the club going shellac.
  14. Need a mahoosive fine of biblical proportions to desuade any future hi-jinx. 10m or so...Against the paper.
  15. HAARP patent from way back in 1985 when it was unheard of in the conspiracy community. Manipulating the upper reaches of the atmosphere and so on...HAARP is now the de facto key talking point in conspiracy forums with regard to covert weaponisation of the upper atmosphere and weather manipulation. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?...RS=PN/4,686,605
  16. Quite looking forward to next season. IF we get one chunking great forward think a few will be surprised, more creativity in the side now than at any time in recent history.
  17. Germans paying 400-500 month health insurance soon woke me upto the great thing the NHS is.
  18. I've read most of the Von Danniken stuff. These have historically been the gateway books for peeps who venture, inspired head first into the rabbit hole. Think his books are very entertaining, but are essentially stories yet with a just enough truth or historical context to make one think. One of the best things about our history and our planet is that so little is still understood about our past and origins. *Will do the top ten a bit later.
  19. How do we know it's the actual top 10 though ? Because we read it on the internet so it must be true.
  20. Thinking of doing an official top ten for the woefully underinformed in here...
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