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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'll show you laters. If a film is good then it starts with a base score of 5. If it's bad then a base score of 2. Then dir, story, camera, design etc...Are added on.
  2. Alien Covenant. 4.2/10. Jesus what an omni-shambles. Proper review to follow.
  3. Fish get out before you're checked into the loony bin.
  4. I need to see a rap battle before I decide.
  5. He's just a fast runner with mediocre ball skills and no vision. Probably got a shit bluray collection.
  6. That you've found a new angle in something we haven't considered and not just the retread of the old flat earth nonsense with the 'cell' variation.
  7. Some semblance of intelligence.
  8. We've done the 'cell' earth. Have you got anything else?
  9. I determine it fucker.
  10. My intervention has been mainly cause I find it irritating when clowns like this give good intentioned conspiracy researchers a bad name.
  11. There is a ridiculous premium buying good players within the PL. Benitez has a good black book and excellent contacts in Italy and Spain. Think this is where the business will be done.
  12. It's a system within atmosphere. It's has some ratios of independence to the atmosphere to do with pressure zones and temperature fluctuations.
  13. No. The clouds are being affected by weather.
  14. It's because the passenger was traveling at the same speed as the plane when he jumped. And the helicopter was traveling at the same speed as the earth when it took off. http://www.physicscentral.com/experiment/askaphysicist/physics-answer.cfm?uid=20110218025229
  15. http://www.physicscentral.com/experiment/askaphysicist/physics-answer.cfm?uid=20110218025229
  16. Here he is. (Sceptimatic) https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=61337.0 https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=67582.0
  17. The eyes work with light waves not 'realtiy'. I feel sorry for Wolfy having to explain the basics to idiots. Read a book.
  18. You're seeing mirrored reflections off the ice dome you dopey fuck.
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