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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. We were financially in the top ten for a decade iirc.
  2. There are many vested interests at play. The consensus is that there are visitors with more nefarious agendas and of course there are also those that are 'on our side', who infact are very similar to us...Our cousins if you like..Many have repeated this theme that the ones that look very much like us (although taller) have said that they have been on this planet long before us and infact had a hand in hybridising us up the genetic ladder. The tall 'blondes' are said to be the original 'owners' of this planet and have acted as guides and have saved us from catastrophes over the last few thousand years. The elite (human) control group on the planet it seems will not give up their riches and power without a fight. All the good alien visitors who have had meaninful contact with Govt (France, Brazil, Usa, UK, Russia and now China) have said that our planet and civilisation is moving into a grave and dangerous near future. That we have to give up money, nuclear power and weapons and the toxic effects of much of our rudimentary and archaic industries. The message is a positive one, but how will people react to such a quantum change? The very meanings of day to day esistence being taken away (competition, conflict, territorial behaviour). Are we ready psychologically to learn how ridiculous our civilisation is in the scheme of things?
  3. 2J # It would be very difficult to put the genie back in the bottle if disclosure came all at once...How would it look-pan out if there was indeed free and non-polluting power available to us, how would society and the billionairs adjust to oil becoming valueless overnight and how would people learn to live in a system that essentially needed no money? These are all part of the package and really problematic than just saying that we've been talking to little green men for decades. Religion and so on would fall apart (notice the Vatican statement recently regarding ET not having to believe in god and so on...). Thre is a lot of fear among the elite with regard to disclosure and nobody is really sure that we are advanced spirtitually and empathically as a race yet to take such quantum changes to life on earth onboard. * I've heard that one of the ET races is against disclosure so as they allowed to get on with their 'projects' on earth with little intefearance and they want that to continue. If for instance they were interbreeding with us so as to make them more genetically suitable to the planet over time, then for obvious reasons they would like to carry such stuff on in secrecy. So disclosure isn't one simple package it is complex with various differing attitudes and motivations and not all of them ours. Yet disclosure is ongoing drip by drip...But it will probably take a real and earth challenging scenario for it all to come out. And that time may be upon us...
  4. Think it was the main reason. It seems he was also a general pain in the arse with regard to some idea of fair play and had other good intentions with regard to moving America back in the right direction. He was generally against corruption in Washington as well and refused to just sit back and 'play the game'...In short it started to look like he was quite dangerous to usual power brokers. JFK and aliens. Two conspiracies for the price of one. It's how I do.
  5. Think it was the main reason. It seems he was also a general pain in the arse with regard to some idea of fair play and had other good intentions with regard to moving America back in the right direction. He was generally against corruption in Washington as well and refused to just sit back and 'play the game'...In short it started to look like he was quite dangerous to usual power brokers.
  6. They were working on stealth in the late 70's and the first flight tests were in 1981, yet nobody knew the plane existed till the gulf war 1991. It's pretty easy to keep information compartmentalised. It is also routine to scare the beejeepers out of employees with families and so on to keep schtum. You have to imagine that the tech that we are aware of that the Usaf commonly uses is nothing like what it really has access to if situations require. It is generally considered that black projects are about 50-80 years ahaead of what the military will admit to having. Like stealth we won't know it exists till someone see's it on the battlefield. Secrets can be kept, history shows us that.
  7. The truth shall set you free.
  8. 6min onward Fred Crisman:Key Man in JFK/UFO Conspiracy/Coverup by HAL MCKENZIE The conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy and the cover-up of the presence of extraterrestrials on earth are the two biggest of the government's "big lies" alleged by so-called conspiracy buffs. Assuming that a single covert bureaucracy would manage both coverups, it is not surprising that the same people show up in both conspiracies. Kenn Thomas, author of 'Maury Island UFO: The Crisman Conspiracy,' identifies one such figure as Fred Crisman, a man with a complicated life story involving the UFO subculture, off-beat domestic politics and the JFK assassination. Thomas spoke about his book at the Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., on Nov. 14-16. Thomas is also editor of Steamshovel Press (www.steamshovelpress.com), a conspiracy-oriented magazine and website. Thomas recounted Crisman's central role in the Maury Island UFO encounter of June 21, 1947, which involved the recovery of slag-like material ejected from a crippled UFO off the coast of Washington.
  9. Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Last updated at 8:21 AM on 19th April 2011 Comments (111) Add to My Stories Share An uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination. The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time. Author William Lester said the CIA released the documents to him under the Freedom of Information Act after he made a request while researching his new book 'A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...l#ixzz1RjHTxlai IMO JFK was killed because he was the first president who wanted to 'go public' with the secret US Govt UFO files.
  10. The tramps thing was rarely discussed (cause they were released without charge) and was kinda buried till the 90's...
  11. The Third 'Tramp' Mike Lien/The New York Times E. Howard Hunt in 1973. His death, at North Shore Medical Center, was caused by pneumonia, said his wife, Laura. “This fellow Hunt,” President Richard M. Nixon muttered a few days after the June 1972 break-in, “he knows too damn much.” That was Howard Hunt’s burden: he was entrusted with too many secret missions. His career at the C.I.A. was destroyed by the disastrous invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, and his time as Nixon’s master of dirty tricks ended with his arrest in the Watergate case. He served 33 months in prison for burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping and emerged a broken man. “I am crushed by the failure of my government to protect me and my family as in the past it has always done for its clandestine agents,” Mr. Hunt told the Senate committee investigating the Watergate affair in 1973, when he faced a provisional prison sentence of 35 years. “I cannot escape feeling that the country I have served for my entire life and which directed me to carry out the Watergate entry is punishing me for doing the very things it trained and directed me to do.” He was a high-spirited 30-year-old novelist who aspired to wealth and power when he joined the C.I.A. in 1949. He set out to live the life he had imagined for himself, a glamorous career as a spy. But Mr. Hunt was never much of a spy. He did not conduct classic espionage operations in order to gather information. His field was political warfare: dirty tricks, sabotage and propaganda. When he left the C.I.A. in 1970 after a decidedly checkered career, he had become a world-weary cynic. Trading on the thin veneer of a reputation in the clandestine service, he won a job as a $100-a-day “security consultant” at the Nixon White House in 1971. In that role, he conducted break-ins and burglaries in the name of national security. He drew no distinction between orchestrating a black-bag job at a foreign embassy in Mexico City and wiretapping the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate complex. He recognized no lawful limit on presidential power, convinced that “when the president does it,” as Nixon once said, “that means it is not illegal.” Mr. Hunt and the nation found out otherwise. Mr. Hunt was intelligent, erudite, suave and loyal to his friends. But the record shows that he mishandled many of the tasks he received from the C.I.A. and the White House. He was “totally self-absorbed, totally amoral and a danger to himself and anybody around him,” Samuel F. Hart, a retired United States ambassador who first met him in Uruguay in the 1950s, said in a State Department oral history. “As far as I could tell, Howard went from one disaster to another,” Mr. Hart said, “until he hit Watergate.”
  12. (6) John Harlow, Sunday Times (8th April, 2007) THE bloody family secrets of Woody Harrelson, the Hollywood actor, are to be revealed in a prison memoir written by his father, a professional hitman. Charles “Chuck” Harrelson, who died in a Colorado maximum security jail last month, left a bundle of papers to his three sons with a plea to clear him of murdering a judge. But he admits in the memoir that he was involved in dozens of killings stretching back to the early 1960s. Woody Harrelson, who played a psychopath in Oliver Stone’s 1994 film Natural Born Killers, has not yet decided what to do with the papers, although he has already challenged the final conviction that landed his father in a “supermax” high-security prison. His father, who wanted his life story to be published, first went to prison when Woody was seven and was jailed for life when his son was at college, but said he always hoped that one day they would have a “straight, no bull” talk about his past. Chuck Harrelson’s death at 69 following heart trouble meant that conversation never took place. However, the papers are expected to answer questions posed both by his family and by the relatives of his many supposed victims. Prosecutors said Harrelson, a violent thief and killer for hire in his twenties, was unusual because he used a sniper rifle rather than a handgun. “Charles Harrelson damaged everyone he came in contact with,” said the prosecutor at his last trial. Harrelson even boasted — probably to impress potential employers — that he had shot President John F Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. He claimed to have been one of three men dressed as tramps on the grassy knoll close to the Kennedy cavalcade and said that Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin, was too far away from the president to get a clear shot. If the grassy knoll story was a self-promoting fabrication, it seems to have worked. In 1979 he was allegedly paid $250,000 to shoot a Texas judge preparing to sentence a drug dealer. The plot backfired. The judge died but the dealer was arrested and claimed to have hired Harrelson, who received two life sentences. In 2003 the dealer recanted, saying someone else had shot the judge. Woody Harrelson stepped up pressure for a retrial, but his father died before lawyers could get him out of jail. “My father was no saint, but a lot of sources led me to believe it was not a fair trial,” he said recently. Woody Harrelson, 45, who rose to fame as the slow, sweet-natured barman Woody Boyd in the TV comedy Cheers, has generated more recent headlines with political stunts. He scaled the Golden Gate bridge to unveil an antilogging banner and, as a vegan, has protested against factory farming. He will appear next in a film called Battle in Seattle, set amid violent protests against the World Trade Organisation summit in 1999. “It’s to make up for not being there myself,” he joked. Harrelson has had his own misadventures. He once admitted to “sex addiction” and in the early 1980s was fined after dancing in traffic and jumping out of a moving police van. He remains unsure how his life was influenced by his father’s criminal career. “I suspect it’s a mixed influence — it made me think outlaw, but I would not want to hurt anyone,” he said. Chuck Harrelson revealed his literary ambitions to Kenny Gallo, a convicted mafia “associate” in the FBI witness protection programme. “He wrote to me saying he was writing the book that exposed all the lies written about him over the years,” Gallo said. He denied that Harrelson had killed 50 people: “He may have been involved in that many killings, maybe driving the car or something, but he only carried out maybe six killings himself.” America no longer produced assassins like Harrelson, he added. “Today, you want someone killed, you call in a Russian or an Israeli. I don’t know how Woody feels about his father, but Harrelson was probably the last of a killing breed.”
  13. "It was also claimed that Harrelson, Rogers and Chauncey Holt were the three tramps arrested in Dealey Plaza on 22nd November, 1963. It was not until 1992 that the Dallas Police Department revealed that the three tramps were Gus Abrams, John F. Gedney and Harold Doyle." One of these boys had a most interesting background. Edit: These names were changed later in 2002 to add E Howard Hunt and Crisman was added and later taken off the official list.
  14. 3. It is thought JFK was assasinated because he wanted to reveal to the general public what the Govt knew about UFO's and that there had been close contact with various ET races and aspects of the U.S. Govt and military beginning in the 40's and 50's. Kennedy was one of the presidents to have seen alien bodies and this was at Tindall US airforce base. The president to know most about it was Bush Snr mainly due to his CIA days. You can research the 3 tramps arrested at the Grassy knoll and one of their identities is most interesting. Happy hunting.
  15. What you using now like Big Boy? Creme de menthe apparently.
  16. It's what I did and it's working.
  17. I naively imagined around 20m of that money showing up in the first team this coming season, still leaving plenty to paper over the cracks.
  18. What would really hit home is some semblence of lip service to managing a democratic and balanced media. ie no monopolies and so on...ie no dual ownership of more than one platform, ie a legally binding press complaints comission (that isn't self serving and self-governing). But none of this will happen because the idea of democracy is to put the populus to sleep.
  19. Within a couple of weeks people will be worrying about what colour knickers Lady gaga wears and so on...
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