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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Twitter have offered him 60k a week apparently on a 30 year deal and free Nazi type hair cuts and tache tickles.
  2. WILL THIS SUMMER BE THE TIME TO RE-EVALUATE MIKE ASHLEY? April 27, 2011 - by Ian 6 Comments Categories: Latest, Premier League He has been the focus of the ire of Newcastle United supporters for much of the last three or four years, but Mark Brophy is wondering whether, with the team back in the Premier League and comfortable in mid-table, this summer might be a chance to re-evaluate the club’s owner, Mike Ashley. The recent publication of Newcastle United’s financial results for last season made humbling reading for many fans. Not because they make plain the folly of the club’s previous spending, although they do. Nor because they have highlighted how far the club has fallen since the days of Champions League qualification almost a decade ago, although they have. No, the humbling part of the results is that they show exactly how dependent the club has become on Mike Ashley, the focus of many fans’ ire. Supporters convinced of their dislike of Ashley almost from day one have pointed to his repeated transfer-window profits and his attempts to sell the club as further proof of his desire to claw back his money and ditch his failed experiment now it’s turned out to be less fun than he thought it would be. Such fans might also say that funding by Ashley only became necessary because of his chronic mismanagement, and that he therefore forfeits the credit for making up any shortfall in Newcastle’s finances. What is indisputable is that the financial mess was already in place when he bought the club, and that even though transfer profits have been generated during Ashley’s tenure in charge, those profits haven’t covered the operating losses of the club. Mike Ashley has personally injected between £15m-£17m of funds in recent years to balance the books, on top of the cash generated by player sales. He’s currently owed roughly £140m by the club. It’s harsh to accuse someone of asset-stripping when they are paying a proportion of the wages out of their own pocket. So does Mike Ashley deserve thanks for keeping the club afloat over the past few troubled seasons? Is he in fact bringing down costs to drive the club forward? Thanks to the wage bill being reduced by about a third since relegation and the football staff re-establishing the club in the top flight, this season the club will have made an operating profit before transfer dealings are taken account of. Money is beginning to be generated rather than swallowed up. Assuming there to be no catastrophes between now and August in the form of relegation, the manager leaving, or a summer-long attempt to sell up, for the first time under Ashley there will also be no excuse not to start building the side. Without finance or circumstances to fall back on as a reason not to spend, it’s make-or-break time for his claims to be in it for the good of the club. Demonstrating a wish to help the club progress doesn’t need silly money to be spent on players. What is required is merely to continue within the club’s means as it has done for the last four years, the difference being that this summer Newcastle are in a financial position to spend an appreciable net amount, even if he starts to take back some of his loans, and still end up in the black. Adding more of the transfer surplus from the current season would mean most concerns about the first team could be addressed. The wisdom of his financial plan could be acknowledged without the constraint of worry over the direction the football side of the club was heading in, ever-present up to now. Should that happen in the summer, Ashley’s entire time in charge may have to be re-evaluated, and though many fans might feel a little shamefaced about it, they may be delighted that his motives turned out to be laudable all along. The flip-side to all of this is that if a transfer profit is made again, or if the transfer window closes on another frustrating summer without appreciable recruitment, then all fans will know exactly where they and Ashley stand. Without past excuses there can be no more hiding behind future intentions. His desire only to run the club on a shoestring and sell on promising talent at a profit with the long-term aim of recouping his investment will be finally confirmed. Purely financial ends with no agenda of sporting improvement will not be acceptable to those patiently filing through the turnstiles, and they will no longer be able to ignore the evidence of it. In that case, let the battle lines be drawn."
  3. It had to be done, we were way out there beyond our means and lines of credit and so on were becoming tricky so the legend goes. I don't really know all the ins and outs, but once we stopped competing in Euro the purse strings had to be tighned....Or not?
  4. Little unfair, I honestly don't think Mort knew the full horror of it and when he did he scarpared.
  5. Let's go out and get stoned baby!
  6. Park Life


    But is it merely brutal to our way of thinking? Are we just too soft and assume that our way is the right way and any other way is just wrong ? I assume you're not taking the piss, as astonishing as that statement is. This is the most succinct way I've heard it put: Iraq under Saddam was essentially a concentration camp above ground, and a mass grave underneath - that is not an exaggeration, they are still uncovering mass graves to this day. You would prefer that to the system of government in England? That's as a raindrop compared to the ferocity Hollywood celebs have to put up with from the paparazzi.
  7. Park Life


    But is it merely brutal to our way of thinking? Are we just too soft and assume that our way is the right way and any other way is just wrong ? Let me pull yer fingernails oot and wire your willy to the mains and we'll find out..
  8. Park Life


    One those really evil muslims
  9. Park Life


    I agree. Some brothers are total mugs though. Look at the Krays. Clever. But seriously Steve the same people who manipulated us into two world wars are now manipulating the old religious dogmas and lies and fanning the flames of hatred cause they is worried, cause the shit is hitting the fan and they need us to think about little things and look for enemies amongst ourselves and forget about them and the broken promises and the broken lives across vast continents of pain and inequality. Don't fall for it. There are those in the muslim community and those in the far right who as history has repeatdly shown us are tools - tools of the old enemy: the elite - the elite who never got voted in and answer to no-one and contunue to plunder the world. THEY are the enemy. Always.
  10. Park Life


    Religion was invented to divide and brainwash the people. It is the ultimate distraction and divider ever invented. We must all come together we are all brothers.
  11. Park Life


    One for you Stevie:
  12. Park Life


    I haven't met a muslim yet who doesn't drink and smoke tbh.
  13. Park Life


    I'll meet any fecker on here for a bacon butty and a bible reading. So you're openly excluding muslims and jews from meeting you. I can tell you come from generations of right wing family engrained racially motivated xenophobia!
  14. Park Life


    Thing is the minority nutters do get dispraportionatly more media exposure the more loonier actions they can cook up and it is basically a recruitment tool to capture other dimwits within their manor. In the good ole days of the GLC they probably would have got a grant for it.
  15. Park Life


    Just to balance it up a bit: The Zionist Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, "multicultural" state, and also the interests of the so-called "state of Israel", against the wishes and interests of the native British people. All of the following powerful controllers/owners are Jews: BBC television under Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled by Carlton Communications plc under Michael Green and by Granada plc under Steve Morrison, each of which broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population, or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across the ITV network, which broadcasts to the whole of Britain, every day, is mainly provided by Anglia Television under Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time it is controlled by the regions controlled by Carlton Communications plc and Granadaplc. Likewise ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled by Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly own the London News Network. Further, BSkyB controlled by Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over 10 million subscribers and their families every day. Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, and the largest in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, controlled by Michael Grade. The situation is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled by Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further, in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish-controlled newspapers are sold in Britain every week, controlled by Richard Desmond, Rupert Murdoch, Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black (Barbara Amiel.)" Yes all Jews.
  16. Agree, loan system needs looking at. Think player you can register to play in the PL needs reducing as well, even though I think they've bought it down just recently iirc.
  17. One really proper striker and a lot of that stuff will fall into place. Goals win games and winning games breeds confidence.
  18. Dreadful command of the english language: "You're not leaving anywhere". Eh?
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