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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'm not talking about a 'Morning Star' Something with a broader appeal. The MS is old fashioned and has a terrible brand with reg to association with the CPGB. Bring me solutions fucker.
  2. Why don't UNITE and UNISON get together and launch their own daily or weekly newspaper? Two and a half million members between them. Always wondered why rich unions don't foray into a proper news presence. Something that is primarily for their members would also be of interest to the broad left I'd imagine. http://www.unitetheunion.org/app/
  3. Won't they just migrate onto digital platforms? I have a gander at sites like this more and more these days. More news page reads than the Spectator or the New Statesman apparently. https://www.thecanary.co/section/opinion/
  4. Just 3 companies own 71% of the newspaper market. News UK (Sun and Times), DMGT, Trinity Mirror.
  5. The BBC is meant to be the counterbalance. That seems to be the idea. Impartiality for the common good. It has huge reach and an international footprint. I mean media barons and multi-nationals are buying influence and an ability to set the agenda. To navigate a conversation towards a goal. We know the media can be a huge force for good and catastrophic also. Much of the Iraq war was media driven, Brexit, Austerity.
  6. Alien Covenant. If we stick to the Alien franchise, however loosely this film does (more of this later) it is in competition with Alien Resurrection as the worst film in the cannon (we're not counting the AVP films which are shit). IMO it's even worse than Prometheus. Prometheus might have been boring, over lit and by the numbers action scenes but AC is just boring. It's reign of tedium is super glued on with the endless prattling 'David' in the form of cod philosophy, tiresome biblical and classical quips and repetitive muttering about his creator and this and that. If only he would shut the fuck up! You can see why the film is so unbalanced because he steals so much airtime it literally leaves no space for any development of the other 2D disposable characters. I can't even remember who they were, their names or what they were meant to be doing apart from dying in the most stupid ways imaginable. The planet looked totally safe apparently. Let's go down there and do dumb ass shit and get killed. Ripley Scott (yeah it's just his name with the d turned upside down) must be just making loads of money to knock this garbage out and and not only defile one of the most iconic franchises of all time but defile its backstory. 'The Alien' now has the most ridiculous back story that in one swift slash has removed all its menace, mystery and darkness. The backstory given to it in this film is absolute whimsy. Scott said they changed direction on how the aliens came about...More like they couldn't be bothered to cook up a proper Alien universe. If the Alien had a dark unfathomable agenda which made it scary and sexy all that is gone now. The CGI is worse than the special affects of Aliens. Like a low budget video game rendition which they tried to hide with fast cutting. The various creatures look awful, skipping and prancing like they do. They also gestate really quickly - just a few mins. That alone is ludicrous. Scott didn't have time to worry about shit like that cause he was busy stitching two different genres together - half Prometheus half Alien. Hence the tonal balance of the film is all over the place. Goes from thoughtful doings in space to slasher movie tropes in the blink of an eye. This is one awful film. I can't be arsed to write any more about it. Perhaps the script should have been written by someone else and not the idiot who wrote Green Lantern and Heroes. If you want thoughtful sci-fi watch Ex-Machina, if you want an excellent genre mixing comic book-sci fi/Western watch Logan...If you want comedy and irreverence watch GOG2...If you want to get arse raped by an 80yr old watch Alien Incontinence.
  7. The scope of the thread will be broader than that. It was just a starting point. Would you like changes to ownership rules? How do you think we can change the mural for the better Gloomy?
  8. I'm sure you'd like to talk about Africa G but we're discussing the UK.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/apr/26/uk-world-press-freedom-index-reporters-without-borders
  10. Was quite shocked the other week when I was working on something and had to check out some stats that the UK are only 40th in the Press Freedoms table. It's bad enough roughly 70% of the media is seen by the public as right wing or blue and the large influence of a few corporations on our access to bias free information but the actual architecture in the UK (Journalistic Freedoms) looks fucked as well. It's a fiasco...I mean how can you have democracy without freedom of the Press? https://rsf.org/en/ranking
  11. You've got a mind like a 10 dollar whore.
  12. Thread title has to be changed. Wolfyleaks.
  13. Glenn Greenwald, the former Guardian journalist who worked with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, points out that Assange is far from free. Writing on the Intercept he says: “The termination of the Swedish investigation is, in one sense, good news for Assange. But it is unlikely to change his inability to leave the embassy any time soon. If anything, given the apparent determination of the Trump administration to put him in a US prison cell for the “crime” of publishing documents, his freedom appears farther away than it has since 2010, when the Swedish case began.”
  14. No wonder he's got a computer voice.
  15. Take the UK to the ECJ. While he can.
  16. Ant lock this aberration ffs!
  17. Interesting read. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/06/20/why-dont-we-have-universal-basic-income
  18. Swedish prosecutors drop case against Assange. As many have said all along it was based on the flimsiest of bullshit to intimidate him and try and hand him over to the Americans. Where's that fukin pizza!
  19. Cutting VAT in neither manifesto. It's basically a tax on the poor. In the right circumstances is can boost spending and energize the economy especially for small business. I'd like it back at 17.5.
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