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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. They would have sold bits of his beard for bread and medicine.
  2. My longish post just dissapeared into an 'IPS DRIVE ERROR'....(Leazes has eaten it).
  3. Saddam Hussein killed up to 100,000 civilians over a period of 3 years when he instigated a genocide of the Kurds, because he didn't like them. Your turn again in civilian death top trumps. @bungdan Dan Murphy Adjusted for population, the social impact is more like a 9/11 in Iraq every 18 days. Its not a laughing matter Well it's ironic really because I assume that bloke is inferring the Americans have inflicted these '9/11's when in actual fact Al Quaeda forces have been responsible for a lot of the deaths. Of course what is never taken into consideration is the impact of several decades of totalitarian rule to the point where the society was a disaster waiting to happen, that's without the influence of Iran stirring up sectarian violence and Al Quaeda using it as a launching pad, having been flushed out of Afghanistan. Without the coalition there who knows how bad it would have got, it could have been another Ruanda (in the aftermath of Hussein's death). Utter bollocks.
  4. SA was brought down primarily by sanctions.
  5. Norwich quite a tidy and neat side.
  6. Saddam Hussein killed up to 100,000 civilians on a whim over a period of 3 years when he instigated a genocide of the Kurds. Your turn again in civilian death top trumps. Yeah it's alright cause someone else did badderer. If you're including the 10 yr embargo of medicine and food its around half a million inc many children.
  7. Really loved it as well. Fantastic backdrops and mise-en-scene encompassing the dark forest, grimms fairytales and other wonderments... Way above its station in ideation. 8.0
  8. Monsanto is the biggest threat to the world now that America is winding down the war trumpets.
  9. Hicks went throug a dire phase when he was drinking a lot. Maybe Stan needs to cut down a bit...
  10. Just too Aguero out and put dzeko in me fpl team like a muppet...
  11. A friend of mine who is a yacht captain for a Russian owner was invited over to St Petersburg for a party (delivery of a new boat or somesuch)..You basically can't say no. The party started on the Fri night and they were still drinking on Sun night (with little breaks for food and girls and so on..)..Anyway they were drinking silicon filtered and milk filtered vodka which is so pure it basically goes down like water when chilled. He kept begging to go to sleep and they started calling him a big girl. He was reminded what bad form it would be and so tried his best to keep up like a good German. On the flight back on the Mon his eyes started to go blurry and he couldn't see very well...So he thought he just needed a sleep. By the time the landed he was blind. :D Took about a week to get his eyesight back properly.
  12. I would love to be able to do that sometimes.. Work would be so much better if you could just switch off from all the knobs. Aye completely true when I'm the office in London, I fantasise about violence too much. Always know where the axe is.
  13. It's probably easier to ask who we DIDN'T owe money to.
  14. That's normally a good sign.
  15. This is up there with GM's various flounces on NO a couple of years back.
  16. The newswipe stuff is the tamest compared to his live act.
  17. Yeah I'm in two minds about him. But just lately there has been some push to elevate him to the top table...
  18. There was some debate in the bar last night as to wether he is genius or not....
  19. Park Life


    replace them with muslims, asylum seekers, and terrorists. Or all three. The funny part is that you're serious. the funny part is that some posters on here, but not me, would advocate this. Go on then, I'll bite. Show me one angle solitary post were someone has explicitly advocated swapping gypsies for muslisms, asylum seekers and terrorists. If you won't (or more likely can't as nobody has ever said anything like this) you should be a grown up and apologise. We expected it of Deano, we should hold you no less accountable for your torrent of nonsense. I challenge you to find one post where anyone advocates swapping gypsies for Muslims, asylum seekers and terrorists do this and I'll donate £50 to the SBR Charity. If you refuse to do it, you're denying a worthy cause £50 because you can't be arsed. If you can't do it you should stop with this argument style. *Thinks about going back and editing some of his posts to reflect gypsy disco mayhem swap fiasco...
  20. Seriously, wtf you on about? agreed. Wish I'd read it now.
  21. French players are pound for pound technically and tactically superior to their overpriced English counterparts. I've got no problems with it.
  22. Jokes about cancer aren't funny.
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