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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yeah laugh it up.. Enjoy a free internet while you can Speaking of personality disorders – when Peter Mandelson, who pushed through the digital economy bill, sits down with Keith Alexander – the director of the NSA and head of United States Cyber Command to discuss "Social Networks: Connectivity and Security Issues" you can be pretty sure they aren't hammering out how best to preserve the freedom of the internet. Add a liberal sprinkling of cyber power in the form of Mark Hughes (Facebook), Eric Schmidt (Google) and Craig Mundie (Microsoft) and you have the perfect formula for a lock-down. Let's hope Neelie Kroes, the European commissioner for digital agenda, got to push her "No Disconnect Strategy". I'd pay good money to have heard the head of the NSA's views on that one."
  2. This is his second wife iirc who's one of the people suing him for megabucks...Make your own mind up..
  3. Conspiracy forum wars: "You don't think accusing people of being pedophiles just because they're successful is bullying? Or calling people Sheeple and degrading them is bullying? What about the way he goes after the same people over and over because he knows they won't sue and cause too much attention. Is that not bullying? Here's a post from 2008 on the DIF by someone who got banned for asking where his money went. LINK And what about if you ask who is suing him? Well, a mod will say this: LINK Yup, hand over your money but don't ask where it's going and don't expect to ever be told. It makes me laugh that forum. Icke refuses point blank to have anything to do with it and releases rants about keyboard warriors and forum 'idiots' that do nothing and yet they still roll over and throw money at him. It has google ads on it ffs. Oh we love you Daaaavid. Baaaaaaaa. As for the Queen. I thought she was a reptilian with a secret army of mk super soldiers. Why would she need to sue anyone? And what about the super control system and spies and cameras? How does he manage to travel the world on his speaking tours? And the black wizards and alien technology they have? Can't they use that or something? No, because it's not them that are suing him. It's all a civil matter. Let's get this straight. The guy from Canada is suing him over a business deal gone wrong as has been going on for years. The transcripts are all online, go read them. His second ex-wife is suing him. Yup, the one he got pregnant and paraded around infront of his first wife and kids because "infinite love means it's ok". Yup, David Icke used Infinite Love to justify adultery back in the 90's. Doesn't mention that during his 'lectures' does he. Nor that he 'channels' his information. Ofcourse, those books are out of print now so you can't read about it. Weird that isn't it. I could go on. Shall we talk about his business links with Rothschild and the weapons industry? How about the people that used to work with him who've come out with stories about 'the real him', or Jordan Maxwell accusing him of fraud. How about how he goes around chasing victims of abuse so he can get his name and agenda attached? Why does he say the music industry is full of MK rapists and programmers then set his son up with a music career? He says Tv people, Journalists and MP's are all corrupt freemasons yet he's had all three of those jobs. If you're wondering why I'm so hostile, it's because I believe he's an MI5 plant put here to make us all look like dumbasses. Mention something real and important and you'll get "Oh, isn't that what the reptile guy says". David Icke is as real as Jedward. Maybe slightly less so. The sooner he's left behind the better. "
  4. Never do updates innit.
  5. Wanky foramtion or STFU. Hospital Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Doctor Consultant Consultant Doctor Ben Arfa Back to hospital Tidyied.
  6. http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/53343-d...-work-continues "While David embarks in his 60th year on the most gruelling speaking tour of his life on the back of spending the entire summer locked away 15 hours a day writing a new book, he is also having to deal with two legal cases which, together, could make it very difficult for him to continue on anything like the scale that he is now achieving, never mind massively expanding his work as he is planning to do. This comes at precisely the time when he is making such fantastic strides in awakening the world to so many revelations with the promise of so much more to come. David has been dealing with the first case for a while, but circumstances have now changed dramatically after what would appear to be an external source with considerable funds suddenly paying for very expensive London lawyers to support someone who claims to have no money in a case against David. This makes the case potentially of far greater significance with regard to David's 21 years of work and where it goes from here. David cannot reveal the name of the person involved in this case at this time. People, however, are going to be taken aback - indeed shocked - when they eventually know. But that is for another day. The other legal case is the extraordinary 'libel' action brought against David by Canada's Richard Warman who has a policy of what he calls 'maximum disruption' - setting out to cause maximum disruption to the lives of those that he targets. The case began in 2002 - yes, 2002 - and it has been continuing ever since with a final trial date in the process of being decided. The legal bill for preparation and trial has been estimated at a high six-digit figure." Poor old David.
  7. Looks like he's back according to Pardew and he will play in the Ba role. Where would you play him and make a wanky formation to inc our best players.
  8. How is he reminiscent of Deschamps? They play nothing alike. Good performance yesterday against an extremely ordinary Villa side. I echo what has been said, we look a striker short of being a decent side. Got to see one of my heroes on at half-time as well. Awight another french midfielder who plays more like him from the past.
  9. I've has fluid taken out me penis, I'll be ready for next saturday.
  10. When Cabaye and Bafra play together and start doing pillow talk in la lingua Francais no team in the land will be spared a sound and lustrous thrashing.
  11. Think the biggest break was that Villa sat off us and they don't have Ashley Young anymore. Bent is beginning to look past his best...$$
  12. I've changed it. If we can keep Ba and Cabaye fit and Bafra starts playing again...At least we've got a base in games from which to create chances.
  13. We'll never see him in the first team. I reckon they're just pretending we bought him. Photoshopped. Thought he played in the reserves and was on the bench at QPR
  14. Krul 6 Ba 8 Obertan 6 Tiote 7 Saylor 7 Colo w 7 Simpson. 6 Cabaye 9 Guti 7 Best 6 Raylor, 6 Stroller 3 Marveaux 5 Pardoo 8
  15. Cabaye getting better game by game. Had spells where he looked masterful today. As I said last week in the long run he'll have more influence on the side than Barton did. Remids me of Deschamps.
  16. TIOTE showing the wingers what crossing looks like.
  17. Villa are there for the taking, they are all standing off our midfield...If get a lucky one it could be on.
  18. Our wingers although feininging to look like outlets for the side, waste possession everytime. Pointless. Change it. But he won't cause he knows less about football than a teapot.
  19. Think we're playing alright with a good 15min spell early on...Just lack of quality int the last third and not much invention. Bobatan did manage to beat a couple of players. If Pardew had a clue he would get the wingers off and go narrow...Marveux and someone else..Play through the middle against the two oak trees.
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