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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Well done Kevin. Sales is the best for developing yourself and learning about how business works and more importantly the psychology of the great unwashed.
  2. Sounds like more French players in the pipe.
  3. Ridiculous. "Oh look if you move your finger over the screen the page scrolls"!!!!!!!11111133221221!!1 Fuck off.
  4. She looks guilty. My guess is she was in the room when the girl died as she said in her ORIGINAL statement.
  5. Italian judge said she was probably guilty but they couldn't prove it.
  6. He did those long boring talks about bits of white plastic and circuits.
  7. I like both tbh. The Rolling Stones were absolutely abysmal post-London records though. They should've split up at the end of the 60s too. If they split up at the end of the 60s they wouldn't have made Exile On Main Street, which is considered by many Stones fans to be their best album. They made some of their worst albums in the 60s, Satanic Majesties is godawful. The material post-Exile hasn't been abysmal, but it isn't very good either. They've put out average albums for the most part, with a few real clangers in there. Certainly their albums have never been the best, in terms of British bands both the Beatles and Pink Floyd are significantly better on that front. The Stones were always more about the counter-culture image and the personalities in the band though: the chicks loved Jagger and guys want to party with Keith Richards. Jagger was never a post-grad as far as I recall, think he dropped out of the LSE after studying History briefly. After that he lived in squalor with Richards and Jones for a bit while the band played lots of shit gigs wherever they could. Jagger had tons of charisma.
  8. You are a true master my friend.
  9. I like both tbh. The Rolling Stones were absolutely abysmal post-London records though. They should've split up at the end of the 60s too. Only worth listening to the Greatest Hits IMO. I think most of their albums are fucking shocking as a whole. Aye, I'd agree with that. Great when they hit the heights but The Beatles did far better albums and were much more consistent. I love the Beatles early stuff 'poppy' too. Also, no one has reinvented themselves more than Mick Jagger. He was a posh post-grad back in the 60s, not some cheeky cockerney.
  10. I like both tbh. The Rolling Stones were absolutely abysmal post-London records though. They should've split up at the end of the 60s too. Agreed.
  11. The Beatles re-writing their own history (what little interest it holds that is) shocka!
  12. Yeah George Martin was cool. The Beatles much less so. Lennon was so fake it was unreal.
  13. They were little more than the British Monkees. Rolling Stones is where it was at baby. Beatles nostalgia is revisionism in its worst form.
  14. Clueless about what, Parky? I've never worked out what he saw in her. FFS, she's one of the ugliest women on the planet with no talent as an artist. She was interested in the avant garde and already inventing flux or whatever it was called as a new art movement. John wasn't even smoking grass till he met her never mind acid. She opened his eyes to what it could be to be an interventionist (all that lying in bed for peace stuff - all her ideas). The Beatles were just shamblers and awful when they played in Hamburg...Later it was all high production (forget the Jews name) who transformed them. That and Yoko's influence.
  15. She was a proper artist and political with it. The Beatles were just scam artists till John was shown the dark side by Yoko.
  16. That's the spirit Stevie. Life's too short. Be all you can be.
  17. So rubbish it was untrue. Looks like the BBC made it for a childrens slot.
  18. Pretty fair observations imo. You'd honestly rather have Routledge? Apart from that bit. What about the training ground being the only place for tricks and flicks? Your man Bafra might object? He's allowed.
  19. Sounds sensible, we could appoint one person to go out and identify the words, someone else to select from the list which ones they want and then the most hated person on the forum has to try and get them over the line. I'm nominating "narrative" Reported.
  20. Pretty fair observations imo. You'd honestly rather have Routledge? Apart from that bit.
  21. It's pure luxury having a dig and niggle at Pards and the players when we're lying 3rd.
  22. There were two or three instances where he's literally turned his back on the opposition player with the ball instead of going the extra yard to close them down and force a challenge. Unacceptable. Maybe he's been cursed? "I curse thee! Thou shalt have the head and heart of a squid!" The Nostromo is coming into orbit next week, perhaps that will perk the fucker up.
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