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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I know mate. I had to threaten war to get anti-biotics for an ear infection rather than some herb pulver...
  2. They're very finicky in Germany with this kind of thing...Obviously will have to give it a go...They tend to overdo all this lark the krauts though. I wouldn't go to the doc here if you paid me...Probably will be told should have died 10 years ago..
  3. Parky Jnr has a lazy eye and has been recommended glasses for correction of the left eye. They say it will get stronger this way or summink...Is this true? Or should we have just left it...She never complained about not being able to see at school or anything...It's knocked her confidence a bit it seems...
  4. Bringing up children in a loving and caring environment is far bigger service to the future of society than doing some crackass job and drinking yersel under the table every weekend on Pionot fukin Grigio or whateve these birds drink these days. Half the problem is this rigged game where both parents have to work for the family to keep a roof over their heads and so on...This imo is one of the main reasons Britain is fucked up.
  5. Park Life


    I hope there isn't one of these threads everyfuking day till Jan 1st.
  6. Really loved Drive. The other top film doing the rounds is Tyranasour. Looking forward to that ... though I live in trepidation of what I've heard about the opening scene. Saw the trailer for Tyranasour... spent the entire time thinking of Peep Show, how on earth am I meant to take it seriously Think you will once he starts killing dogs.
  7. Should gather all those bitches and put on some kind of reality tv bollocks....Oh wait...
  8. If we paid more women to stay at home and bring up families society would be better for it. Bam!
  9. Was shit again tonight. RAWK is steadily sliding toward hate mode....
  10. The dir is at that stage in his career. The making utterly shit films stage of his career (I normally like his films)? That bit with the dinosaurs man, I was actually laughing at that point. Agree with most of the others though (of the ones I've seen) but would have The Skin I Live In on the list. I've heard that's good but I ain't seen it.
  11. Barfa's only performed in 2 out of his 11 appearances and all the wise heads on here will lambast you if you suggest more should be forthcoming from him. Not saying Obertan is any good or Ben Arfa is shite, but the gulf between the 2 in terms of patience from fans is interesting to note. Especially when Barfa is the older, much more experienced of the 2. [tin hat on] The only real way to tell would be to break one of Obertans legs and see how he gets on after that. Mmmm...Food for thought?
  12. You're gonna be in trouble with Team positive. ©
  13. Great conspiracy film based on fact and a good knock-about and flawed lead character with bigger muscles than you.
  14. The dir is at that stage in his career.
  15. I honestly really enjoyed it. It had all those teen movie bits in it that you can laugh at plus great monsters. Wildly underatted fun film.
  16. After reading the unabating criticism on here he's taken it upon himself to score the wanker. Take note Obertans.
  17. Aye but when you ask the questions, you already have all the answers Always read yours sweetie.
  18. Can only hope so. I do think he can raise a CB partners game btw as it only needs one 'reader' at the back, with a big lad being able to play a physical game off that. See Bramble when playing alongisde Woody. Saylor has definitely benefitted exponentially for me. Unfortunately neither Perch or Williamson are rivalling Gemmill for the Tyneside gym bunny of the year award. Williamson is actually a fairy of a man, Perch might have half a chance I spose. Fingers, toes, bollocks and eyes crossed. Norwich away - we might get away with it.
  19. Not gonna bother with Hugo. I just don'T like the smell of it. TInker Taylor is on the list....
  20. Collo is only a strain might be back quicker than expected.
  21. Imagine, man. A hat-wearing Shola bringing it out from the back like a libero of old. ....with time as he jogs forward to snack on an apple.
  22. Spot on. Shola was born to the role. I can just see him now grinning incredulously as a pen is given for hacking down the forward needlessly on the extreme left hand edge of the area with no support.
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