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Everything posted by Park Life
The momentum chaps at the Varoufakis talk the other day were all staunch Remainers. Labour strategy of keeping Brexit chit chat off the table for now is a waiting game.
I don't know where the right wing media and Tory dark arts are going to go now. IRA stuff hasn't stuck, the Trident issue hasn't resonated and people rather more spending and less austerity. Even CT has jumped ship.
His delivery now is so measured and economical by contrast May looks fidgety and unhinged. In all honesty I don't think he's changed that much. I take your point however. Andrew Neil: 'ISIS were formed long before intervention in Iraq'. I'd like to see what Disneyesque timeline he is following.
I think a lot of Twitter twitching dick heads just go along with whatever is being said without doing any of their own analysis and most only have a passing interest in politics. Corbyn has always just been himself....Maybe the suits are darker and better fitting now. People don't understand that May is disliked by key players in her own party and others are also briefing against her. When they put too much make up on her she looks truly frightening on telly.
My ravens returned today with fresh news of rumors, plots and sheep born with two heads. The Tissa will fall.
You can't refute a concept because a concept has to have previously agreed parameters. We'd have to agree on what this 'programming' is.....You can't dispute one concept by artifice (the juxtaposition of anther concept - programming or man machine or whatever). When you say its programmed that also is just a concept. Man as a machine is a concept. God is a concept. Chess is a concept. Ideas don't prevail because they are true they prevail because enough people agree on them. You have no proof that free will doesn't exist like I can't prove it does. I and Nietzsche can only show you what happens when you remove it from the equation. Despair and dysfunction. edit If you're only saying that we can never actually have complete and true free will then I agree with that as Nietzsche posits as his work becomes more refined. He did end up wearing his sisters clothes mind. He qualifies a lot as he goes on and ends up saying that a type of 'free will' is self evident with regard to ambition and achievement - 'Will to Power'. Good discussion this.
That's not what I'm alluding to. A.I. can play chess but we have to write a program for that. Anyway that's not the issue. Like Free Will - Chess is only a concept. A structure of rules and ideas from which moves are made and games are played. Bit like life. In chess occasionally a player will make a move known as a 'novelty' a move outside of the prescribed strategy book of move and counter move - positional discipline and so on..Novelties at the highest level are very rare but do occur from time to time. The novelty is often counter-intuitive and bias passive, it can only occur due to the human minds ability to to see something when thousands of other times in exact same game positions other players haven't seen the move. Within a conceptual framework it codifies all the schema of 'free will'. Once man became aware of himself outside the prescribed boundaries of nature (ritual behavior, survival and so on) in that moment he has 'free will'. Nietzsche's Ubermensch is a very good guide to the ability of the will to overcome everything else. To overcome the limits of intelligence, surroundings and circumstance. Free Will is the moment that man replaced god as the final arbiter of his actions. Without the ability or circumstance to deploy free will man becomes depressed and dysfunctional. The possibity that he can do anything at any moment to change his circumstance is what keeps him going and he doesn't need God to OK it either. As a concept with no a priori evidence we can only observe what happens to man when 'free will' is removed ie in a Prison...His self- identity over a very short period becomes delineated by his surrounding. You can argue that society is a 'bigger prison' but that's another story...Perhaps a story closer to the Ranger particle.
Free will exists within the framework of biological and environmental influences. This architecture is a limit on free will but not to the point that free will is erased completely. Just that in its action 'free will' is continually in a state of flux and cannot be deterministic in isolation. In a lot of ways it might be said exercising free will has to be learned or taught.
It beggars belief that Saudi financed preachers and Saudi backed Mosques where extremist Wahabi based teachings poison the minds of Muslims as young as 12 are allowed to continue almost unfettered and unchallenged in the UK. Preachers banned in other countries set up shop in the UK like nothing happened. That House of Saud are spending billions on printed material in English and French for distribution around the UK and Europe. There was that Panorama expose back in 2010 but since them it is rarely discussed in the open media or by politicians the dangerous amounts of money the Saudis have been using to target Muslim Youth in Europe. That this is an ongoing and determined strategy over decades to subvert European Muslims. There is a huge reluctance amongst the Establishment in the UK and across Europe to name Saudi as the epicenter of terrorist networks. What we have is state visits, sword dances and arms sales. You have these ridiculous scenarios where groups that are funded, backed and defer to Saudi based clerical doctrine are banned in Saudi. That the Muslim Brotherhood funded by Qatar and overseen by clerics wandering around the air conditioned 5 star hotels there are keep it very low key in Qatar. See its alright for them to set fire to other countries and there is plenty of money for that....But they aren't tolerated in the very countries that finance them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablighi_Jamaat http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-21/saudi-arabia-funding-extremist-islamist-groups-germany ''They've spent billions on their madrassas'' Christopher Hitchens
Sargon hasn't yet realised he fights me. The polls will turn. The Dragon rises again.
''Security experts – including both conservatives and liberals – agree that waging war in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. Ooops. Killing innocent civilians is one of the main things which increases terrorism. As one of the top counter-terrorism experts (the former number 2 counter-terrorism expert at the State Department) told me, starting wars against states which do not pose an imminent threat to America’s national security increases the threat of terrorism because: One of the principal causes of terrorism is injuries to people and families..... Our Program of Torture Created Terrorists In addition, torture creates new terrorists: A top counter-terrorism expert says torture increases the risk of terrorism (and see this). One of the top military interrogators said that torture by Americans of innocent Iraqis is the main reason that foreign fighters started fighting against Americans in Iraq in the first place (and see this). Former counter-terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke says that America’s indefinite detention without trial and abuse of prisoners is a leading Al Qaeda recruiting tool A former FBI interrogator — who interrogated Al Qaeda suspects — says categorically that torture actually turns people into terrorists A 30-year veteran of CIA’s operations directorate who rose to the most senior managerial ranks, says: Torture creates more terrorists and fosters more acts of terror than it could possibly neutralize.'' 1979 - Russian invasion of Afghanistan. After second gulf war 2003. World terrorism skyrocketed. http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-war-on-terror-has-increased-terrorism/5355073
Right pair of pussies here. Stand your ground you fairies. It's a complex set of drivers...Oh look a 10p piece!
Meenzer Der Ubersetzer.
The polls will close further. Magic and portents will be seen across the land. Karma begins to squeeze as Saturn returns. The old songs were heard down a forgotten alley.
Gloom not sure if he can get on the train, checks and double checks the destination. It's a good manifesto and our foreign policy is partly to blame (not wholly). I hear what you're saying with reg to speaking to the electorate. What better time eh? He comes across as too principled for his own good.
Tbf there were endless warning by the intelligence services with reg to middle east interventions and blow-back.
Too cold for the Islamics.
Libya was all about Sarkozy and Cameron thinking they were playing on the grand stage. Leaders of the free world and all that bollocks. In reality just a pair of arse clowns who's dabble with adventurism and looking big has massively backfired. Not on them of course. Cameron actually said two or three times that bombing Syria would make us safer at home. I shit you not.