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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I was as good as gold. So much so she stayed an extra day.
  2. I really hate it when people use the word luxury with regard to a gifted player. That first half it looked like football was a 'luxury' there was that much hoofing going on. No surprise then that as soon as HBA came on we started stringing a few passes together in the middle resulting in a goal.
  3. Daglish and the Liver Birds lose it at the appeal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE6r_XnwwNM&feature=related
  4. Liverpool as a club are currently in the toilet. When the Americans wake upto this PR disaster and the sheer cowardice of Dalgish all hell will break lose.
  5. :lol: Rule 17 item 5 - players cannot call other players or officials negrito or paki, but jigaboo and spade are fine. Reported.
  6. Dalglish is lost like. In the forest. Think he grabbed at this as a distraction and to bring the team together (fighting spirit and so on..), but it's now bordering on insanity. If anything it shows he isn't a man and definitely not a leader.
  7. Got this down as a loss I'm afraid my chums.
  8. You could pretent to be Italian that way it would be more fun non?
  9. If expecting people who have British passports to speak English in the presence of other English people who are about to give them money for something is racist, just call me Nick Griffin now. Excellent post KSA by the way. Not long enough to deserve one of those. Tbf some of the pearlers you have espoused in the past are along the lines of Eastern Europeans/Jews/A.N.Other Stereotype are the slyest/dirtiest bunch of robbing/murderous cunts the world has ever seen etc.etc. Surely you can see the irony with your about turn over the past year or two Is there any way I can shoehorn the fucking Jews into this?
  10. This thing now is a little beyond the pointing out faze.
  11. it's quite straightforward, unless you are a PC brainwashed namby pamby lunatic.
  12. Park Life

    Upgrading PC

    Ant is the expert, but RAM is key and the more you can have the better. Next in line would be to upgrade your graphics card (if you have an old slow one). THis really worked a treat for me..Just get a usb stick and it is used to snatch data fast a bit like ram... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReadyBoost
  13. Some sanity at last... http://www.liverpool-kop.com/2011/12/suarez-why-its-liverpool-fcs-fault-if.html
  14. Think the FA should seriously look at bring a disripute charge against Liv and KD. It's pretty clear the intransegence of the club has sparked this whole shameful saga. It would have been much wiser to accept the ruling and move on with a modicum of humility and decorum. The reactonary stance of KD in particular has gone a long way in legitimising by default the the blowback and sick behaviour of those that call themselves Liv supporters. Wearing those shirts at the start of the match was akin to giving a green light to what is now bordering on a nationwide debacle. Point deduction and a massive fine is the only real course left. Teach that club a lesson and harden the stance on racism to those who refuse to behave like human beings.
  15. Show me a link for the polls please Parky. Bit ironic to demonise an entire population for being racist isn't it. You're not exactly whiter than white (ho ho ho) in this regard either. Besides, I work with a scouser who's as fit as fuck. I'm as white as Bruce Forsyth's false teeth in that regard you mug. If you've got something to say, say it, if not shut the fuck up. It was yesterday they've taken it down. It's getting worse. (half way down) JonJuwanson Jon Juwanson @ @StanCollymore do us a favour Stan and go and hang yourself like Gary Speed did please. Ok Negrito https://twitter.com/#!/JonJuwanson Apologies that you have to see that. Shocking.
  16. They're spitting fury on RAWK because those polls they were fixing got counter rigged by some boffin on Redcafe. Calling Sky corrupt and e-mailing Ofcom over it. :icon_lol:
  17. The ole chicken foetus story is still hilarious.
  18. I do understand the point you make HF but I think that's overplayed sometimes by the PC brigade be they White or Black. You could take a White kid and Black kid having a blazing row on any estate throughout the country and in most cases neither would understand the history. Or for that matter be bothered by it. iirc the word was used 17 times.
  19. Might have fukced up bought Mrs P one of those exp face creams that makes you look younger. Might backfire.
  20. Best thing to do would be to get down the local park and find another hoofer like Carroll and get him in the first team quick. Easy money.
  21. If he did start crying he's sink the North of England. Best be careful.
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