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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Would have been interesting being a noble in Caligula's court.
  2. I cooked her one of my pasta specials. That's as far as I go with it.
  3. Went out for a meal last night and booked us a weekend in the lakes next weekend for a present. Do the alpha males on here not understand half the battle is just giving her some ammo to brag to her mates on facebook over? I don't understand the reasoning behind encouraging that kind of thing. You want to cure her of being female or not? Frankly the jesuits had it right. What most women need (at least once a month) is to be bound and gagged and flogged.
  4. Park Life


    You are right young Padawan.
  5. J.Edgar. This is probably Clint's first bad film. Boring, bad structure (flashback) and 'The Cap' still can't act. The highlight was the gay bits which were funny cause J probably didn't realise he was gay.
  6. I'd bring back Bubbles Jacko's luvvable chimp and get him to remix the back catalogue. Over und Raus. Huckerby for the enigma value.
  7. I'm waiting for day 1 of day 2.
  8. Make some internet purchases. Get over to his place and bulk him the fuck up or stop wasting our time on the matter. Make sure he drinks plenty of fluids. The best thing is to casually place yourself in his bedroom so as not to alarm him (keep the syringe under the pillow). Just say you're from Toontastic and you'll sort him out like Maradona.
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