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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Making a mountain out of a Cahill. I thank you.
  2. The most important player at the club.
  3. You can only laugh what it must have sounded like in a French accent.
  4. He said he was a dingo baby.
  5. Clueless about Roman though. Abramovich was importing Lada's from Poland and running a toy factory at the same age Chez was monged out in Uni Bar. The man is as hard as nails and a genius.
  6. The brewing looks like a lot of aggro and fannying around tbh. His hair's gone white ffs!
  7. I won't be working in the place man. I'm more the createur non? Spicy Thai sausages and such anyway. http://www.khiewchanta.com/archives/thai-sausages/
  8. "Barton with a machete...I know, I know it's serious. [/girlfriend in a coma]
  9. Prefer the one where he mows down a whole load of students after observing their priveledge and fatous lifestyles at close quarters.
  10. Ba has been dreadful and has been larking around...God knows why.
  11. Worst 45min in a long time. Back to the hoofball and no movement. Front 2 too close together and acres in mf for Everton to exploit. He'll bring Hatem off.
  12. It was an ideological war and very little to do with what was best for Britain. As were all the sell offs and huge windfall projects handed over to private hands all of which have consequently failed and cost the taxpayer heavily.
  13. London is the 2nd most competitive city on earth.
  14. America imported tyres worth $1.3 billion from China between January and the end of July this year. Under the terms of China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, countries have the right to impose tariffs in response to a “surge in imports” from China. But there is always scope for dispute about what constitutes enough of an export surge to justify the use of tariffs, and China has already notified the WTO of its intention to file a case against America. It has also said that it is considering the imposition of retaliatory tariffs on American exports of car parts and chicken meat. Economist. Obama has been thinking the same as me. Was going to put a 35% tax on imports of tyres, got talked out of it. China Charges Protectionism in Call for Solar Panel Tariffs Published: October 21, 2011 HONG KONG — The Chinese government Friday condemned a demand by the American solar panel industry for steep tariffs on solar panels shipped to the United States from China. http://www.nytimes.c...?pagewanted=all
  15. If you move an object from one postion to another. It becomes a new object. It occupies a new positon in the quantum field. The 'other object' is trapped in an old 'super postion' (place where frequencies interact with observable light so we can see something). http://www.acs.psu.e...erposition.html
  16. Teams like Ajax operate like this as they constantly lose players to 'bigger' clubs around Europe. It doesn't affect them so much as they are one of the top dogs in their league which is far less competitive. The model can work as Spurs have shown over the last few years, but topping up with fresh talent every year is always risky. The balance has to be found with which players we can afford to lose and which we need to keep as the core. IMO none of our players are safe if a 'big' offer comes in. But as in the Carroll case we were right to take the money which was the same as having a good run in the CL two seasons running cash wise.
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