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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yes, after the initial 3d release it will go to normal presentation as it goes to more screens. DVD and BR will be available in two versions.
  2. ulian Assange's fight against extradition to Sweden may stagger on to a second round at the supreme court after he was granted permission to submit fresh arguments. Despite losing by a majority of five to two, his lawyers have been given 14 days to consider whether to challenge a central point of the judgment on the correct interpretation of international treaties. The highly unusual legal development came after the supreme court justices decided that a public prosecutor was a "judicial authority" and that therefore Assange's arrest warrant had been lawfully issued. Assange, who is wanted in connection with accusations of sexual assault and rape in Sweden, was not in court; there was no legal requirement for him to be present. According to his solicitor, Gareth Peirce, he was stuck in central London traffic and never made it to the court in Westminster. Assange denies the accusations. The obscure but potentially pivotal issue raised by Dinah Rose QC, Assange's barrister, relates to Article 31.3 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. It states that treaties can be interpreted bearing in mind the "subsequent practice" of their application."
  3. Cameron is slated for the sequel.
  4. Early reviews of Prometheus (gave fire to man no less) look worrying. My money is slowly moving over to the caped crusader. "It is a muddled, intricate, spectacular film, but more or less in control of all its craziness and very watchable. It lacks the central killer punch of Alien; it doesn't have its satirical brilliance and its tough, rationalist attack on human agency and human guilt. But there's a driving narrative impulse, and, however silly, a kind of idealism, a sense that it's exciting to make contact with whatever's out there." http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/may/30/prometheus-review In other places it says that it isn't that scary and the cgi is too nice (clean)...It's a bit too shiny and corporate, rather than the rusty and dusty 'Nostromo' with a tired and hagard crew just trying to survive. I wonder if the 'Lost' bloke has fucked this up? Still gonna see it obviously. Thoughts?
  5. That meat looks too pale fish. Too pale!!!!11
  6. Saw him at Ronnie Scotts years ago. Good stuff.
  7. "In the morning, Miss W left the apartment to buy breakfast. She went back to sleep on her return, and woke to find Assange having sex with her. He was not wearing a condom, and according to the police report, “she couldn’t be bothered to tell him one more time” to wear one." I mean really what is this shit?!! He stayed there with her for a week. Now I imagine if I had been raped I wouldn't be casually doing the dishes, or having a nap AFTER BREAKFAST with Julian Wilidick prowling da house....Well not till the CIA called and offerred me loads of money.
  8. Julian Assange was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by Swedish authorities after the rape allegations were made last week, but it was later withdrawn. Prosecutors are still considering whether to charge the campaigning 39-year-old with a lesser charge of molestation. Claes Borgstrom of the Swedish law firm Borgstrom and Bostrom said the two women he represents have nothing to do with any kind of conspiracy. He said: 'What I can say is that those rumours that the Pentagon or the CIA are supposed to be involved lack all connection with reality.'
  9. If you knew just a little of the backstory you'd be interested oh lush voiced one. Tyler (or Tiler) is the name of the office of outer guard of a Masonic Lodge. Early speculative Masonic lodges met in rooms in taverns and other public meeting places, and all Lodges appoint a Tyler to guard the door from unqualified, malicious or simply curious people. You do not talk about fight club..............
  10. Used to get it till I stated smoking. Things that used to work for me: Dunk your head in really cold water a few times before you go to bed. Wear sunglasses when you go out (stops pollen getting into tear duct). Put a bit of vaseline in both nasal passages (traps pollen). All those drugs just dampen the immune response. Your choice: hayfever or cancer.
  11. For the life of me I can't find goats eggs.
  12. Ales really go to another level if you put a bit of steak in them. (It used to be rats that got in them in the ole days in London about a century ago). The meat ferments and adds a real depth to the flavour.
  13. Madeline Albright has just been honoured by Oblameme.
  14. Talk about an organised persecution. Sweden right now are just the message boys, the Americans are waiting in the wings.
  15. Looks good Brock. No chopped corriander?? I'm begining to realise you're probably the best cook on here.
  16. Use two egg whites for binding you gimps... Cream crackers.
  17. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1665.htm
  18. War criminal???!!! He is total fucking dark side you clown. Converted to catholicism after leaving power. Considered a jesuit warrior of babylon and puppet of the mystery schools (Horus branch) for the cleansing of europe of peoples freedoms and arch mentor behind the new world order (chippenham branch).
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