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Everything posted by Park Life
There are actually catfish living in the old cooling pools at Chernobyl btw. Depending on the age and quality of the reactor, cooling pool water is actually drinkable in small amounts. Not joking either.
This is so far fetched even I feel a little dizzy. As Fist says they have already been used and radiation sickness well documented. What people don't know is that germany provided the uranium as they had already started cutting deals with the Americans. America had the weapon but not enough fisile material.
For Wolfie and LTB...This is probably the most important vid on 9/11 and the one that fixes most closely to my hypothesis on what happened that day. As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She also started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an "Iraqi Agent". She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary of State Colin Powell that War with Iraq would have catastrophic consequences. Gratis of the Patriot Act, her indictment was loaded with "secret charges" and "secret evidence." She was subjected to one year in prison on Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas without a trial or hearing, and threatened with indefinite detention and forcible drugging to shut her up. After five years of indictment without a conviction or guilty plea, the Justice Department dismissed all charges five days before President Obama’s inauguration" http://www.veteranst...uthor/lindauer/ She posits what I know to be some of the fundametal hot spots regarding foreknowlege of some sections within the intelligence community of an attack of that kind...That 'Project Bojinka" was discover on Yusuf's computer way back in 1995 when he was caught by the cia in the Phillipines. It laid out plans for a multi-plane hijack with upto a dozen targets... The back story on sanctions on iraq and the fact that iraq had already accepted the FBI in Baghdad and was willing to help on anything to get the sanctions lifted (2000 ish - estimated half a million to 1.5 million Iraq's were being severly tested by lack of food and medicine and at least half a million died over the years)... The int community had started to circumnavigate the sanctions especially Norway and others and were supply food and medicine so sanctions were breaking down due to the mass cruelty it inflicted...Iraq had already offered cheap oil, massive buying of American products and were offering anything 'you can think of' to get the sanctions lifted. The country was broken. It is clear now that the military industrial complex with 500 billion dollars worth of arms sales and logistics up its sleave had other ideas...That was the motivation for 9/11....Infact Saddam had already offered campaign funds to get Bush elected if only the sanctions would stop.... Atta was a know CIA asset and the main controller behind the hijackings and op organiser...It is my theory that some aspects of the Pentagon community were aware of the coming attack for some time and saw it as an opp to get their geo-political game in play...Namely full out wars in the middle east starting with Iraq and Afghanistan. She says it was a combination of planes and demolition (to make sure of maximum damage so as to green light the shock and horror - the key to war)...There was also the moment that the 'handlers' realised that the ops might not be good enough to hit the target with planes and IMO that was the moment the 'fly by wire' component and heightend GPS tech was implimented....After all there were dozens of military exercises going on the same day...Who would notice... Infact part of the reason for the success was that in the 'compressed time' and descision making fog the chain of command couln't distinguish between the exercises and the real thing. Persevere with this it is a very unique insight. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EavsvUn7QT8&feature=player_embedded[/media]
Can't see it. What is it?
The core differences in thinking: http://snbchf.com/su...side-economics/ Alarm bells always go off when I see the words 'ex-Goldman Sachs'.
There's been a fair few films on it since 2006 but some of the earlier ones were more interesting for me. That's a good thread btw if a little embarassing reading back at bits I clearly made up.
That actually is one of the best ones if memory serves. Finklestein wanted to claim the insurance on the whole site (insururane he's just renewed and doubled btw) it would be no good if all the buildings were still standing and repairable. Just saying like. Wolfy here's my thread on it back in the day. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,29356.0.html
This has been the big trick keeping wages static for nye on two decades in the UK and 3 in the states. While everything else goes up.
This is one think I can't fathom about Tory thinking.
I don't belive in the no planes thing. That's just ridiculous.
The four central reinforced iron pillars went all the way into the ground. I agree with you about the pancacke but the pillars woudn't have failed as to be non-existant after the collapse. That not even possible unless with other means. We won't agree on it and that's fine. I've already spent enough internet time babbling about it.
There was a fair few back in the day not sure how many there are now. I've been all over this a million times. There is no way on earth they should have collapsed as they did. Regardless of who did it and why that remains the main sticking point for me.
Then the central pillars should have been left standing non?
Partly true. There needs to be a new contract between the state and business...Partly what the EU was trying to do...We know what happened there...
It's basically what Germany does and continues to do...State funded projects are at an all time high here...It creates jobs it creates new companies who pay tax and it gives stimulus to the core economy.
CT what would you say to massive state intervention with high spend on public projects??
Only crackpots have changed the world. FACT.
http://www.newcastle...,90812.0.html The IMF borrow money from the same people who are fuking up Europe. The irony of course is that Euro is getting fucked by the same tactics they used to use to steal wealth from the third world. That well has run dry and now it's our turn. The west has to go to war with the banks.
The feeling is that New York is now readying to go after the King (Germany).
Male fertility and birthrates are down all over bar Africa. Japan and most of euro are barely replacement rate...(it's worse if you take immigrant children out of the equation). China's 1 to 1 policy means that withing a decade or so they will start to have the same aging pop issues Jpn and Euro has..Think pop will peak and then start going down. Pop rates are high in Africa due to poverty and the perception to have more kids to look after the elders due to lack of healthcare and state services and so on...Again the ans is to increase wealth and living standards in Africa but this runs counter to post-capitalist asset grabs. The growth model (that pensions and investments have been relying on) is essentially broken. The good news is mankind has historically been good at replacing paradigms when survival is at stake. *Totally agree about the CDS though. The fact that at Bear and Lehmann they were pretty much the only collateral left is amusing. Obama did ask Jobs to move apple production back to California which was met with an uncomfortable silence. It's more about getting money (wages) back into the hands of the population in the west to re-invigorate consumer spend. It's no good moving jobs if the locals don't have the cash to buy the products. No matter how much inovation there is if the money doesn't get down out to the periphery (us) and ends up in Swiss banks the problems will remain the same. IMHO. Think we are fast heading for an era of protectionism. Soros predicted all this about a decade ago.
Anyway Germany will get downgraded and then all hell with break loose. The debate about the euro here is getting as heated as I've ever seen it. But subsidising the corrupt and malfunctioning sleepy southern realms so you can sell them stuff is reaching the end of the line.
It's a kind of downgrade if not a techinical one, hence the hysterical response here. TT is so picky nowadays I can't get my flow going like I used to...