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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBqp0oqC3bY&feature=relmfu
  2. Unmanned probes aren't an issue for me. Manned is a different matter. The secret space programme and Milabs (Military Industrial Labs) share a moonbase with UK/Germany/Russia/U.S. with persmission and technology transfer from the aliens who's base they have been given a small section of. Other than this man is not allowed on the moon or Mars (which has a number of alien bases). U.S. has been in direct and prolonged face to face contact with at least one (possibly three) super advanced alien races since the 60's. The Vatican was made aware and had a number of meetings wth high rankings spooks from various Govt's (that was behind the recent statement that aliens might not worship the same god as us and so on...) In return they have huge underground bases on earth and are allowed to go about their business without hinderance.
  3. Lsd occurs naturally in wheat fungus.....(ergot fungus)...Some early wheat eating groups jumped ahead of others (non-wheat growing) when exposed low doses of the fungus...(better binocular vision for hunting, new ideas etc..).
  4. You can't prove God doesn't exist Fish.
  5. J69 blatantly trying to curry favour worried he's moved up the hitlist.
  6. There have been 3 lunar fly by's recently LRO, Selene (Jpn) and Clementine. WHY HASN'T NASA PUT THIS TO BED? Here Wolfy check this: Blast crater? Then no blast crater...Then scorch marks yet no blast crater, from space a bit of tiny dark shadow...up close no blast crater...Wot!? [media=] [/media]
  7. I've asked the military industrial complex to put their latest toys in the open but for some reason they didn't ans. Btw you got Afghanis mixed up with Arabs. Bring back Leazes.
  8. Yeah cause the biggest military budget (bigger than the whole world combined) hasn't moved on since the 60's...You're beginning to sound like Wolfy.
  9. YOu wouldn't want to be touching the tanks as they are super cooled.
  10. Seriously guys that just the basics. That stuff is slowly being shown to the public as it's 25 years out of date.
  11. No that's just a transporter (terrestrial). The big brother the TRB-7 they say can carry a fully mechanised company (3 platoons) in silence and 98% stealth anywhere on the planet.
  12. This was the first sighting in the 90's...This craft will be mothballed in a few years.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOu7dSvzemo
  13. This one is close to the Belgium sighting a few years back...It has 3 anti-grav generators and a hybrid drive of some kind and is totally silent. They are housed at Wright Patterson...Still these are only 80's tech.. The black triangle. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nR2fDiBFt4[/media]
  14. They've had anti-grav and exotic drives for 30 odd years. The real goal now is Mars. Moon is old hat.
  15. Nicos is right nasa have been on a shoe string budget as it has no real purpose now. The military black budget for space is well into 400-500billion dollars. That's not inc Star wars initiative which has a seperate budget (they're using satellite based lasers for this now). Boeing, Northrop and others are bidding for moon based weapons systems. It's why China are suddenly taking the moon very seriously.
  16. The tech is too sensitive to be in plain sight. Stealth and so on is 70's tech. Think for a minute.
  17. We can get to the moon and back in a couple of hours.
  18. It's cause Nasa have had very little to do with the real space programme now for decades.
  19. The wheels on that lunar buggy!!
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