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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It's a wide angle lens, the camera is near the back, you can see its reflection down and to the right.
  2. It was a British man, not a German, who first came up with the term eugenics in 1883. Francis Galton was a cousin of Charles Darwin and he became obsessed with Origin of Species, especially its chapter on the breeding of domestic animals. This inspired him to spend much of his life studying the variations in human ability. He wrote: "The question was then forced upon me. Could not the race of men be similarly improved? Could not the undesirables be got rid of and the desirables multiplied?".
  3. I'd like to see Renton drunk...Randomly pulling up people in the bar and demanding to see their qualifications.
  4. Chez,Alex,Meenz,Gemmill,Kitman,Poot,NothernGimp,Midds,SuperDuperBrankoStupar,Madras,Nicos,MF,Stevie,2Jeeps. Definitely not the Fish.
  5. This is Fish's new attempt at getting a beer with someone...Anyone!!!
  6. Where do we put this years in here or in the new place?
  7. Watched Hunger games again and it was better the second time.
  8. Are you committed to the programme? No fuck off!
  9. Wolfy you would be a legend on here... http://www.godlikeproductions.com/
  10. Collo will be fit and Anita is signing this week.
  11. They got McClaren to do the wheels. Class.
  12. Stalker is going to be too long for you...I had to sit through it as I was writing summat about it...I've seen the John Carpenter version 8 times.
  13. The oligarchs are here so they don't get killed or put in prison forever.
  14. Prometheus - 5...packed with long discussion on scientific and pseudo religious mumbo jumbo with poorly conceived action scenes and little tension. Ridley Scott is clearly finished. Dark Knight- 7....All the usual Batman moments directed in hack formula style by a dickhead.
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