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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It's the fucking foreigners that are causing this.
  2. She's in this vid to the right...In Sweden it is well know that she is a lesbian... Poor Julian. Dicked by dykes!
  3. Word is Wikileaks have one big juicy UFO file ready to go if this goes to the wire.
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8579045/Wikileaks-Julian-Assange-records-video-blog-of-his-house-arrest.html
  5. Seen 71/2 of those. Found Tokyo story a bit too dense and tedious turned it off. No way Vertigo can be no.1 ridiculous, it's not even better than Marnie. Sunrise is unwatchable unless you have to watch it...There is a lot of deference to these old masters like Muranau.. For me Citizen Kane (Greg Toland had a lot more to do with it than he gets credit), Searchers and 2001 are the only ones I sometimes go back to.. No Kurosawa???
  6. Not a bad list bro. I haven't seen Rope.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DPBdRld6BY If they get him to Sweden he'll end up in America. If they get him to America he'll disspear for years into their system. Wikileaks will drop the bomb.
  8. Because they were for the greater public good.
  9. Yes. I also think the UN suck, the EU sucks the UK govt are hypocritical wankers and bankers need thier heads on sticks.
  10. It's what I said innit? What do you consider irresponisible? Putting 10m people out of work in Europe by irresponisble trading or releasing info on the inner workings of american diplomats being asked to spy at the un??
  11. The TT brains trust has spoken:"He's creepy looking, he's a bit wierd etc..." Fuck me. He might be full of himself but the risks him and the Wikileaks team have taken and the sensitivity of some of the releases is bourne out by America trying to shut him up and now put him away.
  12. It's all coming together. Spurs and Arsenal weakened, Liv being run by a bloke who loves photocopying huge war and peace like tombs of football training thingies... Not entirely sure this Giroud thing is going to work out and Poldolski gets moody.
  13. There is no precedent Chez is in la la land.
  14. Chez has morphed into Cameron:"Team GB has done its job now it's upto GB"! We're in a double dip recession ffs!! BOE predicting miniscule growth for upto 5 years.
  15. He was big on astrology as well - had his own astrologer. He started the day about 11am with readings from his astrologer for the day, took a few meets with commanders and so on and then fiddled around with pie in the sky ideas about re-designing Berlin and Paris with Speer (he loved Paris)...Then off to lunch about 1pm...Would return about 3 only to take the dog for long walks. If he was to give a speech in the eve his doc would come and give him amphetamine shots. Much like my day really.
  16. He scores a few goals and runs onto things. Bit different to Tiote.
  17. Coe is part of the establishment. Top uni, middle class background etc..His 'vision' is going to be very different from the average Joe in most cases. The O were a very energising and uplifting event, I certainly enjoyed them (especially cause we won a lot of golds), but the impact will be short term. If there is a boost it will be for the next gen of athletes if there is proper follow up. As a spectacle it will soon be forgotten and replaced by the next entertainment hiatus. The long term gains will be with the branding exercise and the multinationals (the whole thing about McDonalds chips/fries notwithstanding). The subtext will remain one of corporate alliances with the state as the circus moves onto the next victim host country. All meaning is lost when put through the prism of nationhood.
  18. Are you loosely talking about hope and national identity and so on....?
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