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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The fences are to contain the blast radius of the Aussie barbecue fart.
  2. They got maps and couloured them in red meaning bad and green meaning good.
  3. If my mate is anything to go by they gossip all day and organize leaving/birthday/bonus parties. No word of a lie they have fruit and pastries delivered in the morning which they all fight over.
  4. Park Life


    Looking forward to another decade of money saving tips.
  5. Stable bolted horse....Took cart with it apparently.
  6. There are no assessments man. Don't you think Whitehall mandarins haven't got anything better to do....Busy with their massive pensions and ranking local wine bars.
  7. Liv and ManU next. They're going to be stuck down there for a while. Perhaps even a delicious relegation beckons.
  8. More like the thicko plotens. /Sorry CT
  9. Looks like it's the best one of the recent offerings.
  10. Labour should have a unified position on the softest of Brexits. But what do we get? Different views on different days depending on how the wind is blowing. /Rayinstrategy.
  11. Yeah but aren't the top cyclists all cheating in different ways? I saw a doc where they showed you can't be in the top 10 without some PEDS at some point.
  12. Yeah but this isn't America. Most people have some idea what is going on.
  13. Are the general public aware of the disdain you hold them in?
  14. Butterfly just flapped its wings somewhere in the Amazon.
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