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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. America has permanent bases in Iraq which will be there forever. Reg taxes. Obama had to play down the middle as he had to keep Wall Street onside (his biggest donors) and put something on the table for main street. One of his biggest problems in a repbulican dominated congress (which still stands but I haven't checked). These are a load of redneck multi-millionaire cunts in the pockets of lobbyists. The only reason I wanted Obama is that he refused to ok the Israeli strike and denied them the proper bunker busters and satellite data they would need. However he does creep through bits and pieces of right wing nonsense when people aren't paying attention.
  2. That's about it. He basically promised Israel a war Mick Romdick.
  3. Solar panels are one of the most un-green things out there. Swathes of China are so polluted by panel production it is no longer fit for human habitation,
  4. I had Jungian psychotherapy a couple of years ago for about 4 months. I can honestly say it was better than my other method of handling my issues ie going down the pub getting drunk and chatting bullshit. Although I'd admit both methods have their merits. I honestly believe a lot of depression these days is caused by the structures of society breaking down and people gabbling on about Lost and Dexter instead of actually listening to each others problems.
  5. What Gemma said. People who are affected badly by grass tend to already be prone to psychological issues. However excessive dope smoking causes more activated seretonin receptor sites that need feeding. When you cut down or stop the dope, it can cause anxiety and irritability and sometimes feelings of detachment as the receptor sites go wanting. This passes after a few weeks. If you're smoking one or three joints a week however it don't matter. The way society works these days and the breaking down of old networks of social cohesion are a far greater trigger to depression IMO. There is a sense that the working class and the lower middle class have been demonised and marginalised and all their old forms of social interaction have been colonised by a rampant consumer culture, the best example being football.
  6. Is this one of wiki's moaning about people at work threads by stealth?
  7. That's about as far removed from the reality of the assesment process as one can go. Dope.
  8. Proper clinical depression is serious and nothing like 'feeling down' for a few days.
  9. Would have thought Cuba was a better bet for HF.
  10. It's pretty jaw-dropping and perversely funny that he had his own bed in Broadmoor.
  11. Bit of the Savile about him without the comedy.
  12. I don't understand why small villages in Surrey with years of tradition in shit shops that sell strange things and are no use to the community (apart from the dog shop) have to be replaced by a cling of takeaways. I was considering a stiff letter to the council. My mothers only rejoinder is voting UKIP the scatty mare.
  13. Forgot Saylor did one of his trademark sliding blocks to stop an almost certain goal.
  14. Romney would be a catastrophe for America, which means he might win.
  15. Seems even in leafy Surrey the place is getting filled with takeaway joints even in my mums village. Ridiculous. There used to be an Italian and one good curry place. Now there's about eight shit takeaway places. Ruined.
  16. Only saw MOD highlights. Hatem has lost his shooting boots.
  17. Obama looks better in those casual jackets. If he had got onto those earlier he'd be out of sight by now. Just got back from England. The place has gone to the dogs.
  18. It isn't. It's basically all bollocks unless you're really doing summat you like.
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