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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. There are 3 main things that will shape the next four years: China/Russia axis Iran American debt/the dollar (the fed continuing to buy up Govt bonds with printed money). China will also need to be convinced to stay with the dollar and continue to buy U.S. treasury debt and it will as long as its 120m people manufacturing base remains an exporter to the U.S. and Europe. But there are problems looming along the way with regard to this. China is growing it's own middle class who are becoming voracious consumers of their own products and there might come a time they don't need to prop up the dollar (their export market) to balance their books (the biggest holders of treasury debt and dollar reserves on the planet). Right now attacks and stealth destabalising of the euro has massaged the weakeness of the dollar, but I believe the willpower of the Bundesbank and the ECB to support the euro has come as one mighty shock to our cousins, who imagined a quick smash and grab and unravelling of the competing currency. I personally think a resutructured euro and europe will survive the current crisis (- Greece, Ireland and one other). Germany sees the euro as the trojan horse to control european monetary policy as well as furthering its agenda toward a european superstate. I expect Germany to push for a seat on the security council and at some point within a decade India. This will be a whole new paradigm at the UN. The stabalising and re-emergence of the euro will mean China will start to hedge against the dollar and this I expect within this presidential term. I don't say this lightly having predicted the end of the euro on 2/3 years ago. What I didn't factor in was the ability of soverign debt to be diluted over long term public borrowing without a backlash. It looks like the people have swallowed it. Iran imo is much safer under Obama. Netenyahu was cold shouldered by Obama on his visit and apart from polite chit chat (to appease the Israeli lobby) got no consessions or guarantees from Barack. This was later confirmed by Netenyahu throwing his full weight (and his minnions in Washington) behind Romdick who more or less had guranteed a war against Iran on his visit during the campaign. The Jewish lobby have lost nearly the whole game by showing their hand and in Obama winning. Other little insights came when Obama was heard (when he thought the mic was off) telling Medvedev to let Putin know he would be much more flexible after the elections were over. This would concern the missile defence and Russian concern over an attack on Iran. Russia and China will continue to vote against any kind of naked intervention in Iran (apart from soft sanctions). There is also a mulit-intelligence agency report doing the rounds that advises not only against an attack on Iran but also for the first time paints Israel as perhaps a greater danger to U.S. assets and hegenomy in the middle east. America is preparing for a middle east minus Israeli dominance. Time will tell if the Shadow Govt are going to let this play. Obama's common sense approack to Iran is his greatest danger imo and I mean personal danger.
  2. Ha ha...We used to call him gayjohn back in the day.. But since he took up boxing we're not so sure now.
  3. http://www.businessw...slo-mo-recovery By a range of indicators, the economy is better situated for growth today than it’s been in years. Banks have strengthened their balance sheets. Most households, which borrowed too much during the housing bubble, have pared their debt back to normal levels through a combination of frugality and default. Upper-income households’ balance sheets “are as pristine as they’ve ever been,” although mortgage debt remains a heavy burden at lower-income levels, Zandi says. Housing prices have gone from falling to rising, buoying confidence. Increased consumer spending should induce more business investment in a virtuous circle. And there’s pent-up demand for residential and commercial construction. That’s not to say that growth will be gangbusters. It may not even be strong enough to get the U.S. back to full employment by the time the president’s second term comes to an end."
  4. Yeah but they work out who produced it with metering. How else would they know?
  5. Thinking about it...Isn't it to do with the metering rather than the cables??
  6. It's a special cable innit.
  7. I mean IF there is a charge/current in a wire AND it apparently does 'go both ways'...How does it run out?
  8. Wolfy if you dig deeper you could doubt whether leccy exists at all...
  9. Where does all that leccy go tho fish? Ans me that!!!!
  10. IF you live in California this whole solar panels thing would make some sense. Pointless in the UK unless you can wait a decade or more to see a few quid back.
  11. The arrow points both ways in the diagram so that passes for cast iron fact on here.
  12. Park Life


    Brock once again steams ahead in the cooking stakes.
  13. Tesla didn't need cables man!
  14. He won't ok the Iran war. If he did then he IS the anti-christ. Happy Face and wife 37min onwards..
  15. It's cheaper and better for the enviro to do it with a windmill.
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