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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. He's always inj cause he's overweight.
  2. You stick to your guns mate. Don't let people tell you different.
  3. Wenger regularly times his players 100m times. That's how he knew when to sell Henry.
  4. Nothing as silly as that... Nice and surprisingly easy victory 3-1. Aogo looks good storming down the left. A relief watching a nice short passing game for a change. Huntelaar - not sure he's worth all the interest looked a bit clumsy and slow.
  5. Going to HSV v Schalke tonight. Will be a tough one with them flying high and no VDV. Still, beer brought to your seat keeps the chill out.
  6. Park Life


    Delightful and comforting.
  7. People need to wake up to the bigger picture, PL clubs are now franchises in a multinational called the PL a mulitnational that has cashflows of over 5-7 billion a year in trading, income and projected value (probably more acutally). The key is to positon our franchise nearer the head of the queue to suck up more money. The brand of the PL is being promoted worldwide now and we just need to stay on the train. Stay on the train...Never get off the train. "While the Sturm and Drang of the Premier League soap opera thunders on, the chief executive Richard Scudamore has been clocking up the Air Miles. Last week, he flew to China to seal the latest in a dizzying series of overseas TV deals that will shape the future of a competition that is now as global as it is local. On Thursday, Scudamore will brief the chairmen and chief executives of the 20 Premier League clubs on the latest progress and is likely to tell them that all of its overseas deals will be wrapped up by Christmas for the period from 2013-14 to 2015-16. Contracts covering the Middle East/north Africa and south-east Asia/Australasia should be tied up within the next fortnight, with the final round of European deals to follow before Christmas." http://www.guardian....ague-tv-revenue The biggest winners and losers, year on year in terms of improved and decreased payments were Newcastle and Aston Villa respectively. Newcastle’s total money went up £7m from £47.2m to £54.2m, while Villa’s went down £7m from £49m to £42m. See table below for full details, and compare with previous seasons: Payments for 2010-11 / Payments for 2009-10 Newcastle United as a business should have a target of 120m turnover in the short term this is attainable IMO. Player wages at 55% (of turnover) would be the absolute ideal.
  8. He won't take any kind of hit providing we stay in the PL for the next decade and the bean counting continues at current pace. Me and other might scream like bitches about transfer windows and wether Pards needs glasses but it is the equivalent of screaming in space where the fat one is concerned: 'Nobody can hear you'.
  9. Putting money in and taking money out aren't real things. It makes sense to us when we go shopping or pay bills put with regard to companies it's as much fiction as Mickey Mouse. For instance I could value the club at 400m and there is no fucker who could question that if I did it the right way.
  10. It's why we have 6 footballers that cost us about 25m and are now worth nearer 100m.
  11. I honestly don't think he looked or cared. At the time his paper worth was nearer 2billion. It's like if Abramovich wants a new yacht, he just wants a new yacht. I could build the mould in Turkey and save him a couple of million but it would be embarassing suggesting this to him.
  12. Apart from the fact we pay no interest on the debt.
  13. St James Holdings carry the debt. That's an Ashley vehicle. The club isn't servicing the debt. Him signing is normal practice. If someone can show me interest payments coming off the bottom line then that's a different matter. He will pay this debt down as it will make the club more attractive for sale which gives him another option. Although I think he now realises that if the club don't buy latte's everyday that it can make a profit.
  14. We're not paying interest on the debt so it doesn't matter now. The only danger would come if we got mixed up in a Gillette and Hicks style fuckover and the debt is transfered back to the club.
  15. The biggest asset MA has is that he IS an entrepeneur. He is actually a very fast train waiting in a station for the right opportunity to come along. He might not realise it yet, but our club is actually a very big oppurtunity for him, not just as a vehicle for his sports goods chain but also as a venture that is gradually opening his mind to the bigger stage. He doesn't lack vision, he has it in bucketloads...The key will be when the right situation comes along where he feels more comfotable alligning himself to a bigger cause (the football club). I think in the early days his fatuous and slightly childlike approach got his fingers burnt (that orc Allardyce) with regard to the financial environment going against him. But the core profitability is changing for the better with bigger and bigger TV money and now some sniffs at the wider european market. People think he is an odious person and like any entrepenuer he is self-centered and egotistical and in that way a little silly. But I forsee a time when he will give in and fall in love with football (will need a manager who can sell him the dream - KK was a little too extreme for him and it was too early). The financial mural in the world being as it is right now MA has in many ways saved the club and guranteed a modicum of success. But right now he lacks the confidence and intution because he is still learing about football. Intuition comes with identifying circumstances that alligne with the de ja vous of the subconscious.There will come a time however when he will take a gamble with us and work with his need to have fun (there is no doubt he likes fun). I guarantee it. He isn't the type to sit still. I don't really care if he's a cunt or not...Cunts make money. Money buys time. Time is the key to the creative unconscious.
  16. The points adding is as mysterious as the betting scams in Serie A.
  17. Are you clinging to this after your prediction league debacle?
  18. Would be better with a Phil Oakley haircut.
  19. Changed it to below 10th. Think 12th-15th.
  20. Without his pointing at nobody we're fucked. It's the bedrock of our defence his pointing and wiping sweat from his huge Frankenstien like brow.
  21. This pair of giddy perma-grinning clowns have almost no allround game, I also see very little fight in either of them - hence the goal hanging and wait for the clockwork long ball - neither can trap/hold up/or do fuck all with. It's tactically the most bancrupt I've seen us in the last half a dozen games or so. However they are both top tier finishers and on their day as good as anyone in the league, but how do we feed them with the current tactics - with no wingers and no breaking midfielder and a team that sits deep? Pards needs to change it and for the short term Ba (who seems semi-capable) has to drop off a bit to the left. It's not a long term solution cause he won't be able to do it all season (looks fucked after 70 min just doing the goal hanging bit).
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