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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Snooping around I've also discovered she's blown 300 on some hair removing laser gun. Where will it end?
  2. You can watch all 8min on Utube the next day.
  3. It's either that or getting nagged all holiday about why I didn't do this or that.....
  4. Ashley is a lot like Elon Musk. Wide boy bullshitter made good.
  5. Mrs P has booked the wrong islands the dopey bitch. Good island 2 days....Rubbish island 4 days, 3 hour ferry to average island 3 days..
  6. The new Spiderman is tosh of the highest order. I haven't seen it mind. Looks like they've tried to teen it.
  7. Yeah it's one of those cheese before bed dreams.
  8. Pure SJW wonderland. Enjoy. ''I'm an Mericaan''
  9. Greece this year. Fly into Athens then off to 3 islands. No ideas which ones Mrs P has booked it all.
  10. There is a very big chance this will be really embarrassing for Connor. I can see him being made to look a fool against a great boxer. 10oz gloves an all that....
  11. Yup. Think he will give it to the end of the window and then decide if it's worth all the hassle.
  12. I can't work out if 16m is too much for someone who looks like a future Eng international.
  13. Strap line is waaaay too long.
  14. Think those contracts are heavily weighted in the publishers interests.
  15. Starsky and Fudge. 'Good Cop - Gay Cop' They will apply justice according to your dress sense.
  16. Think he'd be better in a sitcom. Camper Fi (c) The story of a gay marine and his fight to be just who he wants to be. (c) ''Ooh does that come with a sash!''
  17. Deep state shut him down innit.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2017/jul/13/brexit-repeal-bill-minister-says-government-ready-to-listen-as-repeal-bill-published-and-labour-threatens-to-block-it-politics-live
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