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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Totally agree. Felliani holds the ball up well and score a goal but he is nowhere near the allround monster 'do anything from anywhere' player that Sissoko is. I remember all the doubts and worries about Hatem when me and Tooj and Chez first hailed him as quality. I will be completey vindicted by Sissoko as I've been by Hatem.
  2. I was only comparing Hatem to Silva and Mata. Sissoko's closet comparison would be yaya. But yaya is getting past his best now. We now have 2 midfielders one attacking/forw and one allround who can match anyone in the league. Add Cabaye and we're in a good place. We will beat Spurs.
  3. I'm calling it now. Sissoko has everything. Even with Hatem there's only 2 marginally better than him but not as jaw droppingly genius: Mata and Silva.
  4. What we have here is the best allround midfielder in the league.
  5. Would have liked to have seen Mapou home debut. He's on another planet compared to Taylor. Pard probs worried about Pl exp etc...
  6. Park Life


    Yeah it's my mecca so to speak. Always have fresh lemongrass and corriander in there.
  7. They've got so many players missing it's like when North Korea go to the Olympics.
  8. Taking a sly peek at your tits there.
  9. I've put Cole im me fantasy side so we're bound to score.
  10. Aeris the norweigan belle epoch.. You and me babe.
  11. This is a so will win game. Sissoko and Cabs in midfield. Mata carrying a knock, Azar banned...That skinny Brazilan will fall over if Mapou coughs. Obi is acon, Benitez is on a diet ,Roman is in Nice, I saw a huge eagle swoop down and pick up white stick for a blind man.
  12. I can't. They've got loads missing.
  13. Came back from the bar last night and she was playing skart (gay german card game) with two old geezers (60+)...What the fuck is going on?
  14. 3-2. I can feel the force from here. Chelsea will be walking into a maelstrom today.
  15. Park Life


    Thai masaman king prawn last night. Put a bit of cream in at the end, krauts can't take spicy.
  16. Cells go into defence mode if you don't eat before 12.
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