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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yes but we don't want that type.
  2. Chicken Tikka Massala would be an instant fail obviously.
  3. ''A number of cases have drawn attention to the arbitrary nature of the Swiss naturalisation process in recent months. In January this year a Dutch woman had her application turned down for a second time because local residents objected to her campaign against cowbells. And in May 2016, a Kosovan family who were long-term residents of the canton of Basel-Country had their application for citizenship opposed by the residents’ committee, in part because they wore jogging bottoms around town. ''
  4. What should the questions be on a UK citizenship test? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/18/switzerland-puzzles-over-citizenship-test-after-lifelong-resident-fails
  5. http://www.newstalk.com/rafa-benitez-interview
  6. Glad to hear things are good with you Stevie. Forza Mugrighter!
  7. I speak from the heart fuckheads!
  8. I watched all that shit weeks ago mate.
  9. Ashley will do just enough to stop Rafa walking. Barely.
  10. Tricky winger can play both sides. 10m plus add ons. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/jacob-murphy/profil/spieler/199527
  11. I think Rafa was hoping it wouldn't go to the wire. That management would see sense.
  12. Perhaps even my 30m prediction was optimistic.
  13. With a lot of these things I find it's better not to have read the source material.
  14. She's never forgiven me for it taking a whole day to find that cabin in Finland.
  15. It's all about the ECJ this week. I'm not sure what the hassle is with the ECJ looks like a good thing.
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