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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Float to Williams at the back post is the standard one. Never works.
  2. Not surprised, the books have a wierd kind of processional detail that is difficult to transfer to film and the books are fairly harmless with regards to suspense and plot.
  3. We definitely need an attacking coach to help out. He's admitted himself he does no attack coaching and Carver is clearly not upto it. His constant references to 'moments of magic' is a dead giveaway...'Magic' happens when you work on something for ages and it becomes second nature...Attacking football has to be postionally drilled into a side (the front 4 especially).
  4. fffwd one year. "Are they allowed to take 7% out of my account"???
  5. It's like Huxley, Orwell and Eastenders all wrapped up in one.
  6. They recruit from the left and the right. Communism and Capitalism are both their works. I guess their wankdream is some combination of the two......Soros is a good example. An immigrant who started by selling postcards on a beach in Wales...Now one of the richest men in the world and very bright. When he took on the bank of england (the pound) and made all that money it's pretty clear he had some kind of ok from those above him (he's only really middle ranking)...Otherwise he wouldn't have been with us for very long. The game is the game at any level. The real powers that be didn't want the pound finding a level in the exchange rate mechanism and later the Uk joining a supra-currency....For them we are more useful as the Israel of Europe.
  7. For me the important thing is ideas and good ones take root. They can come from the 'left' or the 'right' as the past shows us. European society is way ahead of say America for that reason...Because it steers a course over time between the two pillars of the political spectrum.
  8. Our home dear boy is ideas.
  9. If you really understood your socialism you'd realise it was the invention of an intellectual middle class...Lennin, Marx, Engels, Trotsky, that German woman I can't remember the name of, the Fabian society (the steering group for Labour)...None of these boys were workers in the old sense of the word. All well educated thinkers. Socialism was never the invention of the working class. Even the French revolution as it's quaintly referred to...All middle class thinkers and well dressed to boot. If you really looked into it Oxford and Cambridge turn out as many as many 'socialists' as 'conservatives'. How many front benchers or Labour ministers have been working class since the war? Not many bro. Blair had as good an education (Posh religious school in Scotland before Uni) as Cameron. Please don't embarress yourself on here futher without taking course to some book learnin...
  10. Milliband for me is a blair clone. He is probably in the darkest of night slightly right of center where Blair grazed.
  11. Soft left is to the left of Blair and Brown. Some on here like Gemmill are 'money men' circulating in the rarifyied circles of the banking world, entertaining people with his gym patois. Chez is a world class economist - gets flown around the world business class to slap people around with his giant brain and ramble about various expensive Lamb dishes...Renton is a buyer for an NHS trust - if he ever did imagine he was a socialist he probably realises he isn't one in the true sense of the word...None of us are..It's not because of Thatch it's because we understand the need for a mixed economy, social democracy has moved on. But we also would like to think we have a functioning moral compass. I just pretend the last bit though..
  12. Why do you think we're all dyed in the wool socialists? I categorise most on here as soft left.
  13. Looks good. Don't get to Ubel too late as there will be a queue - he's very popular here. Last year my friends were standing outside for an hour cause they got there at 11-12.
  14. I know that place. The ex-Mrs P used to work there at Lincolns Inn and Tooks Court - Temple Bar. Next time I'm about I'll sort those fucking roses out with a bit of the old weed killer bro.
  15. What I said earlier in the thread. As for the death of socialism... Strong social components survive and inform all over: Finland, Sweden, france, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway...etc..Good heathcare, free education, high taxes for the rich....
  16. http://www.residenta...r.net/dj/djkoze http://www.residenta...w.aspx?id=12680 House, electronic and pop. Nice spread of hijinks. He comes on around 12ish... The venue is a roof club set on top of an old WW2 bunker. Huge bloody fing. https://www.google.d...iw=1067&bih=536 The ubahn is feldstrasse. 5min from the center. Tube runs all night sat.
  17. This thread ought to be preserved as some kind of cultural document with regard to the long term efficacy of propaganda and predictive programming protocols targeted at the petit bourgouis.
  18. Thatcher was a terror without an atom of humanity. MORRISSEY.
  19. Poodle is a bit sweaty and studenty...Music is good tho. I'd go to China Lounge for really eclectic electronicy stuff and a more 'interesting spread' of a crowd. Might be shit now ain't been there for a couple of years... http://www.china-hamburg.de/ This is where I go about once a month...lot of birds fly in from all over the place if the dj is right. http://uebelundgefaehrlich.com/
  20. It's like meeting one of those blokes who's read one book.
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