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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yeah that is part of the whole stinking system of patronage and land for favours system that existed in Britain for hundreds of years. Take that shit back an all.
  2. Only a couple of weeks ago his council were in Westminster explaing how the Duchy of Cornwall doesn't have to pay tax cause it isn't a company.
  3. She still owns vast chunks of the real estate of Manhattan. Some deal done during independence.
  4. Between the Chuch and the Royal family they own about a 1/3 of the best land in Scotland.
  5. You think it's cool a bunch of inbred/semi-mental Krauts who go bald at 25 are allowed any say in our laws? Astounding.
  6. There was that story that there was hassle signing some new laws cause the Royals didn't like them? (Guardian a few months back). Jaw dropping.
  7. All this aggro for a couple of million a year. Pathetic.
  8. Exactly. People visit the castles in Germany not cause there might be royals creeping about in them.
  9. Park Life


    Been doing a lot of prawn lately: Black bean, Rogan Josh, Ginger and lemograss. Summer is the best time when chopping and cooking bits of meat just seems ridiculous.
  10. Why should I fear supporting your point? It's a fact pop are aging. This is the kind of thing that's going on as you well know...Vultures looking to make a quick buck. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/jul/21/tory-strategist-lynton-crosby-lobbying When GSK start paying proper tax in the UK then we might consider them for NHS cherry picking.
  11. Western populations are aging think we're all aware of that (look at Japan if you really want a shock). Capitalism makes me laugh the way it propogandises continually against the vulernable, one week its' the unemployed another week it's old people...That shit don't wash with me. There are oceans of money but slights of hand keep it hidden from the general public. Trident is going to cost a £100 billion. I'd start by scrapping that. I would suggest an NHS fund like the Norway Govt pension fund (the biggest on the planet). They started it by using oil revenues. The NHS fund would be invested in by the Govt and a levy on business in the UK and be open to private investors and NHS workers. There are a million things they could do instead of this fear mongering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Government_Pension_Fund_of_Norway
  12. He's a classic bottom feeder, greedily hoovering up the silt hoping for morsels. Suit bag flapping in the wiind as he high tails from his latest feed.
  13. Kinnear is the enforcer. The clock has started on Pards.
  14. JawD's mind is held together with string.
  15. Good post. I've always believed the NHS is the line in the sand, so deep that it is in the national psyche. Time will tell. But if the fat, lazy, game show dazed idiots that populate our fair isle don't get off their arses and fight for the NHS then I hope they get everything that's coming to them.
  16. Tax the rich properly and tax companies like Amazon and Apple. Raise money and stop fucking about. Nuke Switzerland. Reduce raising capital in the markets and get the BOE to actually print more money (currently we borrow about 3% from our 'own bank')...Govt. abitlity to raise revenue has been going down for decades...Get back onto that train. Nationalise water, gas and trains and create jobs.
  17. Drugs companies are part of the problem. Overcharging the NHS is commonplace. They got round price regulation by selling drugs to the NHS via middle men - companies who don't come under that legislation. Cost of drugs is a pinprick however in the general scheme of things. It's pretty clear that Govt is under pressure from private entities to give them slices of the NHS that they can make money from and this kind of stuff (Post Office) has continued under both labour and Tory (so the real enemy isn't within it's international big business). Govt. of all flavours seem pretty good at giving away assets that public money has built up.
  18. What's your feelings on the nhs Cath? Are they slowly destroying it?
  19. Emotional crutch. I can't bear to watch the goings ons with these rats. I said to a girl last week..(the dog kept sniffing my leg at a bar)..'Get it away from me before I crush the life out of it'...
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