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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. You think tech savvy teens won't get around it? Of course they will. This is an old debate. Like all those years of debate about violence in films and games. In a lot of ways games with high kill counts have been proven to damage or alter the perceptions of children playing them. Not only are we all now being watched whenever we use a digital device, year after year in the UK more and more draconian privacy impinging legislation is being passed. This whole the fabric of society is breaking down because of violent games and porn is complete bullshit. Elements of social cohesion and the family are breaking down because of wealth distribution, the retreat of the state as a balancing tool against rampant market forces. The destruction of communities for housing profit and in many areas a broken education system. Because our leaders are dishonest, corrupt and out of ideas they from time to time put up flags to look like they are doing something. And they also like to take away our freedoms. There are many good reasons the EU didn't vote to ban porn and freedom of speech and identity is just the tip of the iceberg because we know how these things develop a mission creep of their own. ''Although this appears to be just about protecting children from porn, it isn’t. It will block any site that doesn’t comply with strict UK content rules. Any nude image at all risks being categorised as porn, and the entire site being blocked. Current filtering systems class up to 4m websites as sexual. It’s likely this regime will block the vast majority of these. And doubtless, the censorship regime will then be extended to other crimes against decency. '' https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jul/17/age-checks-introduced-porn-websites-uk-credit-card-details
  2. Will be needing her for that German 'leave to stay' thing. /Brexit
  3. Had a root around the other day and couldn't find it. Mrs P has probably slung it out.
  4. Plus no headphone paranoia. Can't hear her coming into the study.
  5. Nothing more relaxing than a nice long porn wank followed by a joint and a whisky.
  6. When a man is tired of porn he's tired of life.
  7. POV blowjob with dirty talk?
  8. They'll block Reddit and others if they don't comply. That will be phase 2. This will go on till they find ways to block your mind.
  9. How are you lot going to access porn without putting sensitive card details out there to who knows who?
  10. https://test.flexiteexam.com/adapt-it/Begin#/assessment/be98a1045d5e5eeb015d5f89e09e008d
  11. Got the alcohol free zones one wrong.
  12. No way. (Unless you only did the first page).
  13. I'm making a note of all that keep saying we don't need a striker. See you in December.
  14. Do you like comic book films? Have you ever heard of The Fish?
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