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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Lamela is meant to be a bit of a wonderkid...Looking forward to see him when he gets games.
  2. Without checking I thought swansea had the hardest start this year.
  3. Till the pen Liv had run out of ideas.
  4. Was always quite upbeat for this match and we would have won for the sending off. Very comfortable nearly the whole of the first half. Pards tactically spot on. Tiote had his best game so far this season for us and in Dummett we have a rough diamond. Yanga having a good game just a moment of madness...Saurez went down like a Vegas whore. A psychological three points which will stand the team in good stead.
  5. Euro court of human rights would have a field day with this kind of thing. CaPITA need hurting.
  6. Some of these had me chuckling. https://twitter.com/AlanPardewNUFC
  7. Wenger saying he would only be a reserve player probably woke him up a bit.
  8. American budgets for showcase/marquee tv series dwarf what goes on in the UK. Huge factor.
  9. Good point about Holland. IMO confidence and luck play much bigger parts in tournaments tham people realise...Sides that get on a run or get going have momentum.
  10. I mean posession as in moving forward more as a unit with a longer sustained attacking phase for better positonal outcomes.
  11. Yeah (there are two camps reg the reboot) thought the first one was a little better...Maybe cause it was Lost blokes first go at it...It was a little deeper and not breakneck plot points/action crashing into each other. There was some greater reverence and historical respect for the material.
  12. We need to keep the ball more..That is the core of all our problems.
  13. Star Trek into wankness. 3/10 Absolute fuking rubbish.
  14. They take away the words so you forget who you are.
  15. Brazil will probably win it, but being there adds a spark of excitement to the torture of sitting through all those 0-0 draws.
  16. That's a really good read and I've read pages and pages of broad field analysis of Homeland. The debate Homeland has generated is beyond the 'bad' muslim 'good'muslim debate imho. For tv drama 'good' muslims aren't interesting whereas a 'confused' and quasi ethical war hero is...And not in the same way Vietnam vets were in the sense that this is a 'hot' war and ongoing. Avenues of cross polination (mixed alligence) is what Homeland is good at...The death of the boy in the courtyard (drone strike) is as much a springboard for our anti-heroes conversion as the kindness given to him by his dark mentor and peace he finds from time to time in prayer and contemplation....Take a look at Syriana again as that is as good a counterpoint to Hollywood as any recent film.
  17. Agreed. Personality wise he's a dead loss.
  18. I can pass this stuff off as high faluting discourse on other boards.
  19. This is true. But one genre isn't worth my time. The future our masters plan will be run by technomysticism driven by a world reiligion. That religion will not and cannot be islam. Hence the wars. I had a long and heated debate at Cannes with someone from Paramont that my sci fi script seemed to have eastern mystical types running the show behind the scenes and that they should just be technocrats with silky surveillance and control machinery and not 'belivers'. He couldn't understand that the dystopic future we are headed to will be the playground of 'believers' regardless of the tools deployed. That's the thing about Homeland, a lot of it is hard to digest for the american audience and in such a way that it is borderline radical. In the end I pointed out that Obi wan ben Kenobi is hardly an american sounding name.
  20. If the well is poisoned no good blaming the water carrier.
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