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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Nearly better than Taylor already.
  2. That's where fitness gets yah. You and gloom need to ease up...The body was designed for 15min fast paced hunting and then eating and 10hr sleeps.
  3. Fifth Estate / Veiled attack piece on workerleader Assange. Disgraceful and shoddy. 2/10. Some nice shots of Berlin at night.
  4. Half way through...Got it yesterday. Outstanding 10/10. Better than Mein Kampf.
  5. Berlin is really good for NYE. Spent a couple there and they were the best ever.
  6. I found the Berliners as some of the friendliest I've met in Germany. Probably just my charisma. Ich habst die beste Silvester in Berlin.
  7. Popping around and setting up fantastic barbecues.
  8. Footballers pretty much to a man are rogue males. Deal wiv it!
  9. Good post Hman. Over time we will have our victory and the long road in its coming will make it all that sweeter.
  10. Yeah there is this myth about loads of people and atmosphere. People are basically crap and in a small space crapper.
  11. I was thinking of going on twitter the other day, but really I have enough stalkers already!
  12. Monkey refuses to pay Michelin star prices!
  13. Thank god you took that in the sense it was meant (was a bit pissed last night). Good luck with everything and keep it frosty!
  14. Nothing beats the glorious failure...Better than winning in my book.
  15. He undercuts himself a lot tho and takes care not to be taken too seriously. He extemporises well and has that charisma that is a road to anywhere really...He chose comedy and dabbling with acting as it's proabably the easiest path to banging a lot of women.
  16. Makes political discourse entertaining which is no man feat in itself. I didn't like him at first but now have a verifiable soft spot for this man.
  17. There's a decent sitcom in there somewhere.
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