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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Sheep have found their new wolf. http://www.thegwpf.org/antarctic-sea-ice-extent-2013-approaching-record/
  2. When I talked to her she said she wanted a rabbit.
  3. Gonna do the drive across France thing again and then back to the Swiss lakes. Gites, good plonk and those darn crickets at dusk.
  4. Her friends seem to have Wii, but when I looked in the shop the Ps3 looked mean and sexy.
  5. 9. But it might not be totally for her yeah...
  6. Which should I be getting ParkyJnr for Xmas? Are there any real differences?
  7. I see. Found the French not as cunning as they like to think. For instance first eye contact 'down and to the right' (NLP) - at some point this guy is going to try and fuck you over. The Italians are so charismatic and charming I really didn't care they always paid late and argued about monies. Think your experience is in more 'tight' professional groups - which generally the world over aren't good indicators of the actual malaise. Been dealing with some Chinese recently and it's funny how they find it impossible to say 'no'. How they wait for you to eat/drink before they start and how they never speak Chinese to each other in your company...Made a nice change.
  8. Are we talking the whole of France or just Paris?
  9. I don't dig too deep...Generally make ad hoc descisions based on the most cursory of glances.
  10. Always thought the French were pretty two faced...The Germans are on the whole reliable and feel guilty if they're not honest with you...
  11. Jail time is the only thing that might make them think twice. And I mean real jail time not one of those table tennis - big mugs of sugary tea and telly palaces.
  12. There's a dead cat in the loft.
  13. That screams cunt tbh...I have to turn away for the soul of humanity rests foul and forlorn.
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