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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Park Life


    Beef with lemongrass tonight.
  2. Cause little one armed kids in vietnam are doing their wrapping bro.
  3. His best work is over two decades old. I didn't much rate any of it since Casino. Boardwalk Empire is tv.
  4. Mrs P does all the wrapping. I can't wrap...There's always bit sticking out and rumpled paper everywhere and me with bits of sellotape on me back... I replicate the performance which scares her off for a couple of years.
  5. 'Wolf of Wall Street' looks like return to form for old man Scorcese. Never the same after he gave up the white powders.
  6. None of these films are a patch on even the worst Harry Potter.
  7. Park Life


    I tip in eateries and so on because I know they depend on it and I also like to reward attentive service which is a dying art.
  8. Think it was the Batman film where I pointed out that the microwave device would cook all the water in the people as well...And she said microwaves don't work like that......Fuck me!
  9. Biscuits still in the plastic? I'd get struck off the will for something like that.
  10. Love the way there is a bite mark in that hard cheese in the middle.
  11. Being in the gym IS the motivation CT....I always to April till end of May...
  12. That looks like a pukka combo. Will add to list.
  13. It's strange to say it but looking at Yanga (who already looks way ahead of him) the future doesn't look so good for Taylor. I wouldn't sell him unless he starts playing up...Get another youngun in next summer as cover.
  14. I thought he was one of those comics who's just overjoyed that he's made it (and some money) and the whole celebrity wave that even got him to Hollywood. But there is something else going on here... He's been with Lynch doing transcendental meditation, he's had talks with Paxman and he is self aware enough to constantly criticize and do down his own celebrity status...Now all this calling for revolutions and so on - at first I thought it was kitsch - comic calls for revolution, but it seems weirder the longer he keeps it up. He's got that mad eyes thing going on as well.. Somethings not right here.
  15. Tbf that was in mid-July before I saw the full calamity of the avb...My record once the season started has been to continually mock the ginger one...You can check with Tooj who still loves the ginger hamster no doubt.
  16. Yeah Williamson is much chunkier and more focused now and you can see him shouting at others. Been really impressed the way he's knuckled down after being out of the side for a while.
  17. I really used to dislike his hi jinx and rent-a-quote juggernaut....But just lately see him as lost in some kind of Kafkaesque struggle against the surreal human paradigm.
  18. I can handle it just don't want to anymore...When I'm really pissed I bore myself and would rather not continue to inflict it any longer on others.
  19. Park Life


    If I'm in a good mood I tip like a motherfukcer. In a bad mood I start calling for the manager at the slightest faux pas.
  20. Spurs supporters are the one of the most spoilt in the league. It was basically his style at the end of the day...
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