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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Had a look at that fund a few years ago and it seems well run and a good idea of securing a strong future for Norway.
  2. They sell their best player nearly every season VP, Fabregas, Adebayor...
  3. Aye they've quietly been paying big money even for the so called 'finds'.
  4. Just watching season 3 again. Lovely stuff. All the girls story lines seem really tedious mind.
  5. That is made up. But A- for good making upping.
  6. Can't remember if you're the irritating one or the funny one.
  7. I've always believed apart from the one or two outstanding sides the rest of the top 6/7 are interchangeable and a lot comes down to perception and confidence.
  8. I had a Japanese girlfriend once I think her fanny was pixilated.
  9. It was one of the most cowardly and incorrect decisions I've seen for a long while.
  10. At the time the UK press went out of its way to discredit the Portuguese authorities and took it upon themselves (in the early days) to raise the couple to virtual sainthood.
  11. edit: This was in an old doc (from a few years back) which I can't find and isn't backed up anywhere else (I just looked). So it's probably bollocks.
  12. Abduction is a word they used straight away, yet there is not one shred of evidence to back that up. The papers just ran with it. I have no idea what happened and I honestly don't think 'they' are bad people and anyone can make a mistake...There is also no concrete evidence that 'they' had anything to do with the tragic events...But there are a lot of things that have never been properly cleared up, even to this day. Anyway the weirdest thing was this whole 'cuddle cat' affair. When the dogs gave it a positive for cadaver scent .....Later she put it in the washing machine.
  13. A campaign which started within a week iirc. Notwithstanding they had ex.Govt PR bloke by their side within 24hrs...PR? Really I hear you ask...
  14. Yeah later in an interview about the positive results from the dogs Gerry just said they weren't reliable like he was some kind of expert on the matter.
  15. They purchased that car with the fund money btw and brought it back to the uk. That's kinda strange.
  16. Think it was neglect. I can't replay the scenario any other way in my head. Having a daughter of my own I would have blown my brains out if I'd done what they did.
  17. Mrs P went to Japan a few years back she's never been the same since.
  18. Who leaves children in a flat out of eyesight, a fair walk away and with the patio and window unlocked? It's unreal. The mother herself admitted Madeline was crying for her father the night before...Although she wasn't too happy to repeat the story in later interviews. Another thing that shocked me was that the Tapas group would habitually all leave their mobiles when they went to eat...Nothing should disturb their sardine munching..
  19. Why is it most likely? Any idea on the odds of a one off child abduction with a 10 min window to act? Millions and millions to one mate. Depends how she accidentally died I guess. I think they felt guilty about leaving her alone and being a doctor and so on they panicked with regard to careers and public perception. Either way its a tragedy that could have been avoided. Why take children on holiday if you're going to creche them most days and then leave them alone at night? Hopefully the UK police will throw some new light on it.
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