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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Some bloke in Nigeria nicks all the money.
  2. Just started 'Westworld'. Finding it a bit flat so far. Hopefully will get going soon.
  3. She's refusing to touch his podcast.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/aug/17/eu-citizens-no-visas-visit-uk-after-brexit
  5. History is filled with people who were extremists in their youth going on to contribute to society and even change society. According to John Stuart Mill: “…there ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered.” He continues: If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.''
  6. It's the only way forward. Respect.
  7. They're just people like us man. Let them have their demo and go home.
  8. Louis Therroux beat us to it.
  9. Few hundred Nazis turned up at the London demo and 500/600 in Virginia. The numbers are so small its ineffectual. Turning it into a big fight just makes their cause look more real. Better to turn up chat to them and hand out soft drinks.
  10. Of course. Singling out a particular race or nation is hate speech isn't it?
  11. I find more troubling that America continues to threaten multiple countries around the world with war.
  12. They fight every weekend.
  13. You can't pick and choose. You will be the arbiter the state?
  14. The Kurds did a demo here recently and most of it was about their hatred for Turkey/Turks. Should that have been banned?
  15. We went to war with them because they were a threat to our empire.
  16. Radical Islamist's demonstrate all over Europe regularly. There is no sense or benefit in pushing extremists underground. Let them air their views and lets debate them and make them look silly.
  17. Emotional rubbish. The extreme left of the spectrum is as bad as the extreme right. Both sides have historically killed millions of people. If Communists are allowed to demonstrate so should Nazis.
  18. Everyone has a right to free speech and a right to demonstrate regardless of how ridiculous or abhorrent their ideas are. That's the way democracy works. You can't pick and choose what beliefs people are allowed to hold or who is allowed to demonstrate because then you ARE living in a Fascist state. As I said earlier the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) went to court to allow this demo as the Mayor tried to ban it. You either have free speech or you don't. You beat bad ideas with good ideas not by banning them.
  19. I've marked it. Will have a look a bit later. Thx.
  20. Trump should have been more forthright in his condemnation and the police shouldn't have been stood down deliberately by the Mayor.
  21. 6 million died so he can have the moral high ground in any debate about anything forever.
  22. You don't know anything about it as is clear from your hysteria in here today.
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