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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The other worry I have is that he has a lot of big name sponsors who must be pulling strings and greasing palms all over the shop.
  2. These courts are a joke. The liberties the lawyers take with making suggestions or leading the witness is beyond ridiculous.
  3. Hopefully the door will play a big part. He looks the guilty type AND he's South African that would be enough in my court tbh..
  4. Park Life

    Bob Crow

    Boris said some kind words.
  5. So, this would be the third time he's discharged a handgun in the same year. He's a gun happy clot.
  6. Had a strange feeling about Arsenal tonight. Considering a cheeky monkey on it.
  7. I must say I'm amazed how much leeway the judge is giving the defense. She seems very weak to me.
  8. Agree to an extent, the def lawyer (the really boring one) has so far used crushing boredom as a weapon..There doesn't seem that much of a def apart from this ongoing semantics about screaming and who heard what... But when he shouted a warning into the toilet (if he did) they why didn't Reeva reply knowing as she did he was edgy and gun happy? It seems he was forever jumping out of bed (with guns) in the night hearing things...(as the other 'girlfriend' has testified)...
  9. Looks like it's come down to 'he screams like a woman' defense.. This is the ploy to counter the neighbors saying they heard a woman screaming just before the shots.. The biggest flaw still for me is that instinctively you check your partner (the one that is in bed next to you) is OK and that you wake them and warn them of what is going on...Before you start skipping around in the dark popping off shots. I can't get round this bit. Everybody normally wakes the person they are with if they sense danger.
  10. Yeah if he did put his legs on then the whole things about not turning the lights on will come into question..
  11. The cops took the door away for analysis so we'll have to wait and see.
  12. Day 2 was the big one with regard to the neighbor hearing a womans screams...Lot of pedantic cross examination trying to discredit her with regard to timing of screams and shots. Boring really. She stuck to her guns as it were...
  13. Yeah very heartening that. What football is all about.
  14. Yeah they had to stop it just before bankruptcy. What an idiot.
  15. That was a joke hence my laughing smilie. Only a complete clot like you would take it seriously (that airbus were crashing a plane a week) and try and make a case out of it...In your inane desperation for attention. You see now how ludicrous your thought process is?
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