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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It was a lead up to the gun licensing rigmarole and the tests he had to pass etc...ie In what situations was it ok to discharge a firearm etc..It showed that he had a good knowledge of what situations actually meant that his life was in danger (warranted the firing of a gun in self defence). Definitely not through a locked door when he could not clearly discern if the intruder presented a clear and present danger to his life. I guess they wanted to show that Oscar knew the rules.
  2. Cancelled an order for 5 guns (one assault rifle) a month after the incident. Gun shop bloke on stand going on about Oscars love of guns etc...Ouch.
  3. Used to be a mans game. Now it's all about haircuts and moisturisers.
  4. Lamela will never make it in the PL. He likes to have an absolute age on the ball.
  5. The Scandinavians will all move over to Liverpool.
  6. Bought a whole heap of shit with the Bale money. Soldado is another one of those spoon feed strikers. Ericksen Schoolboy international. Lamela good at keep ups and been on telly in Argentina.. 24m?? Chadli alright in the frog 2nd division Capoue never heard of him tbh 12m?
  7. 37meeweean. IMO they should start like this... ......................Fresh Prince................ ...Rooney............Mata...............VanPoncey
  8. Yup could have been 6. Any idea where Mata was playing?
  9. This is the kind of game Rooney gets sent off and builds fat readying himself for the world cup.
  10. Where is Mata meant to be playing?
  11. Rafael shouldn't be on the park.
  12. Think when you just wake up your brain is still in dream mode...
  13. English ones would be: Lawrence of Arabia Still Lives Distant voices Withnail and I.
  14. Moyes will be in big trouble today.
  15. Notice the western media are almost silent about the millions flowing in from ngo's and other soft money to encourage trouble in Ukraine.
  16. Life intelligence and book learning are different things bro.
  17. The only 'O' levels I had to do some work for were Maths and Physics (the one's where you couldn't just make up stuff). I honestly made up so much nonsense about books I hadn't read they probably thought I'd read widely. Sociology was the one where I hadn't read anything at all and launched into a massive case study about council estates and alienation without any clue about either...'A'. (All from a quick skim read of Cotgrove and Parsons on the morning of the exam).
  18. I can believe that. Education all over Europe is completely dumbed down now from what I can see.
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