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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Park Life


    Just munching some Ham and cranberry by Tyrells. Lushola.
  2. I find angry men are just looking for love. The saps.
  3. Agreed he was a sort of loveable mixed-up rogue till he got that shellshock.
  4. We have no natural finishers when he's not on the park.
  5. Martin is funny, perceptive and likes a giggle. I expect Fish is the straight man.
  6. Sorry I'd forgotten the salient lessons of Portsmouth and Leeds etc...Won't happen again.
  7. Should sleep on a wooden board for a few months.
  8. We should make a real effort to get Lukaku as he's clearly fallen out with Mou.
  9. They're scared of Russia...This ain't some ragtag bunch of wogs after all...
  10. His lawyers are really dragging it out as well.
  11. No idea why the trial needs a two day break.
  12. Bank Rossiya, the Russian bank best known for its close ties to top Kremlin figures, is to be "frozen out of the dollar", according to US officials, as part of the new wave of sanctions from Washington. Shortly after Barack Obama signed off the measures on Thursday it emerged that rating agency Standard & Poors had warned on the outlook for the Russian economy amid escalating tensions over Ukraine. "Heightened geopolitical risk and the prospect of US and EU economic sanctions following Russia's incorporation of Crimea could reduce the flow of potential investment, trigger rising capital outflows, and further weaken Russia's already deteriorating economic performance," S&P analysts said. The remarks were made in anticipation of EU and US sanctions, but before the announcement of actions from the US Treasury Department, targeting 20 more Russian citizens and the nation's 17th largest bank with US asset freezes.
  13. Dune desert planet. Two houses. House Harkonnen and House Atreidies.
  14. Wimbledon common is a hive of activity.
  15. Womble these things are distractions. A guild navigator like yourself shoudn't get taken in so easily yeah? For example 2nd Gulf war and the internet is filled with Planet X and it's arrival. Tensions in Ukraine....Plane goes missing and the internets is filled with it...
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