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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. How long will it take for YOU to realise Ken is in Mozambique?
  2. His main problem now is loneliness, the alcoholism is symptom.
  3. He does a lot away from vital areas and is a poor finisher. LVG has realised pretty quick that he's rubbish.
  4. Park Life


    I did chuckle at that.
  5. Park Life


    ISIS The code revealed. 0 Little matter: Following this tedious calamity, we’re introduced to the arboreal city-state Caesar and his friends have built among the redwoods. The set design is impeccable—their cliff-clinging home is built on the remains of an old 76 gas station off route 101—and the apes themselves are nothing short of a revelation... http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/07/dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes-great-except-for-those-pesky-humans/374269/
  6. Park Life


    Those 7 year Saturn cycles I was on about a couple of weeks ago... People on here dismissed it of course. Horses mouth. "I'm going to test you on your numerology skills"....(Say what?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV43ZMHD3io
  7. He'll be better in the current side with more creative outlets around him: Siem and Cabellars.
  8. Said it was bollocks didn't I? http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/aug/21/global-warming-slowdown-answer-lies-in-depths-of-atlantic-study-finds Funny one from the comments: The current state of Climate Science: - We have a theory. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere will cause warming. Therefore, any period of warming (eg. late 1970s to late 1990s) is PROOF our theory is correct - We have a theory. Warming will cause all manner of extreme weather events. Therefore, any extreme weather event (regardless of how often they occurred in the past) are proof our theory is correct - We have a hiatus. This does not contradict out theory, but we have many ideas of what is causing it: We "have hypothesised that everything from volcanic eruptions and sulphur from Chinese power stations to heat being trapped deep in the oceans could be the cause." or perhaps A shift in the salinity of the north Atlantic triggered the effect around the turn of the century, the study says, as surface water there became saltier and more dense, sinking and taking surface heat down to depths of more than 300 metres. or “The hiatus really is a patchwork problem of lots of different things, volcanoes, the Pacific, the Atlantic." or There is evidence that the hiatus is a northern hemisphere winter phenomenon, But of course, the End of the World is still Nigh`; Forster added: “Most importantly, this paper is another a nail in the coffin of the idea that the hiatus is evidence that our projections of long term climate change need revising down. Variability in the ocean will not affect long-term climate trends but may mean we have a period of accelerated warming to look forward to.” We remain doomed! Just when will those temperatures start to rise again? Conveniently, this article suggests it could be another 15 years yet, as in: But the finding suggests that a naturally occurring ocean cycle burying the heat will flip in around 15 years’ time, causing global temperature rises to accelerate again. So while, the period of correlation between CO2 concentration rise and temperature lasted just 20 years (late 70s to late 90s) and the hiatus could now last over 30 years, the theory of Catastrophic Climage Change (CCC) lives on! If temperatures rise, if ice melts, if extreme weather occurs: that's evidence for CCC. If temperatures don't rise, if ice grows (Antarctic), if weather is just normal, well we have another explanation for that. - The current state of Climate Science!!
  9. Gonna risk this tomorrow night...Probably shit...But there is an obvious compensation..
  10. Reckon Riviere will kill a supporter with his wild wayward strikes.
  11. There should be an island we can send these clones to.
  12. You can tell by the face. Bet he's all fukin chirpy in his spare time as well.
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