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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. His mismanagement of Hatem has arguably already lost Ashley 10m.
  2. Why did the Others want Walt so badly?
  3. He'll be gone after the Hull game and it will be Pulis or Moyes. Both aren't ideal, but I can live with.
  4. I've reigned it in the last few years. Once a week and then just 2/3...Feel healthier and all that shit.
  5. Park Life


    The planet doesn't give a fuck what fuels we use.
  6. He's at Hull cause he told Pardnoclue to his face that he was a crap manager.
  7. The worst thing is I won't be able to make my one joke about that cannon in Edingurger.
  8. He'll be short-of-bread.
  9. If voting actually made any difference in the world it would have been outlawed long ago.
  10. What's Scotland gonna do when Norway invades?
  11. You won't be leaving mate.
  12. It's the usual performance when there isn't that much pressure. If they REALLY needed to win this game it would have been a fuck up.
  13. Have a good one chum.
  14. That will be phase 2 of 6. The final phase will be SD coloured grass on the pitch apparently.
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